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A rare
picture showing some of the nudist leaders who attended the third naturist
meeting at MONTALIVET, France, when the International Naturist Federation was
formally established. ALOIS KNAPP (U.S.A.), DOROTHY THORNTON (England) and
ELSIE FANKHAUSER (Switzerland) are in front. ALBERT LECOCQ (France) and his
wife CHRISTIANE are behind Knapp. ERHARD WÄCHTLER (Germany) is on their right;
RENÉ KIELINGER (Switzerland), later General Secretary of the INF, Dr. RICHARD
EHRMANN-FALKENAU (Austria), first elected President of the Federation, and ILSLEY BOONE
(U.S.A.) are on their left.
On Saturday, 22nd of August, 1953,
an official reception was given to naturists of eight nations. Among the
important people present were the Mayor of Vendays-Montalivet; Dr. Dartigue,
Mayor of Carca and County Inspector of School Hygiene, also Attachè at the
Ministry of National Education; Mr. Beaugency, Inspector of Sport and Open-Air
Pastimes (Gironde); Mr. Fumey, President of the local association for the
encouragement of tourists; and Mr. Moulines, a Government official.
Toasts were drunk to the success of the movement and the proposed international organization and all were entertained to a most excellent Banquet.
The main business of the Congress was the inauguration of the International Naturist Federation and countries present who had voting powers were:
― Austria (Dr. Ehrmann)
― Canada (R. Kielinger, for Dr. Thut)
― France (A. Lecocq)
― Germany (E. Wächtler)
― Great Britain (Mrs. D. Thornton)
― Holland (Mrs. I. Dissen)
― Switzerland (E. Fankhauser)
― United States of America (I. Boone, A. Knapp and Mrs. Knapp, S.U.N. & N.N.C., and Dr. F. Emerson, A.S.A.)
Belgium and Spain have no national organizations and representative of each attended. Mr. F. Van Vaerenbergh for Belgium and a representative of Spain was appointed by Dr. Capo and the sympathy of the meeting was extended to him as he has had the sad misfortune to be exiled from his country because of his naturist beliefs and practices.
Countries who were unable to be represented and sent apologies were: Argentina, Colombia, Denmark, Italy, and Uruguay.
As there is more than one organization in U.S.A. and four delegates had arrived, they were invited to select a single delegate to exercise the vote but they could find no agreement. After considerable controversy, during which the A.S.A. delegate refused to recognize the S.U.N. and C.N.C. it was decided that U.S.A.’s vote could not be used.
Following previous custom, M. A. Lecocq, of the F.F.N. was the President of the Congress and Mrs. D. Thornton (Gt. Britain) was appointed Secretary.
The appointed tellers were E. Wächtler and F. Van Vaerenbergh, and the interpreters were Miss Kaye (Gt. Britain) and R. Kielinger (Switzerland).
The minutes of the Second Naturist Congress were taken as read as all countries had received copies of the report and minutes.
U.S.A. requested that a correction be made that there were 2 not 3 visitors from that country as stated.
With this correction the report and minutes were adopted.
Toasts were drunk to the success of the movement and the proposed international organization and all were entertained to a most excellent Banquet.
The main business of the Congress was the inauguration of the International Naturist Federation and countries present who had voting powers were:
― Austria (Dr. Ehrmann)
― Canada (R. Kielinger, for Dr. Thut)
― France (A. Lecocq)
― Germany (E. Wächtler)
― Great Britain (Mrs. D. Thornton)
― Holland (Mrs. I. Dissen)
― Switzerland (E. Fankhauser)
― United States of America (I. Boone, A. Knapp and Mrs. Knapp, S.U.N. & N.N.C., and Dr. F. Emerson, A.S.A.)
Belgium and Spain have no national organizations and representative of each attended. Mr. F. Van Vaerenbergh for Belgium and a representative of Spain was appointed by Dr. Capo and the sympathy of the meeting was extended to him as he has had the sad misfortune to be exiled from his country because of his naturist beliefs and practices.
Countries who were unable to be represented and sent apologies were: Argentina, Colombia, Denmark, Italy, and Uruguay.
As there is more than one organization in U.S.A. and four delegates had arrived, they were invited to select a single delegate to exercise the vote but they could find no agreement. After considerable controversy, during which the A.S.A. delegate refused to recognize the S.U.N. and C.N.C. it was decided that U.S.A.’s vote could not be used.
Following previous custom, M. A. Lecocq, of the F.F.N. was the President of the Congress and Mrs. D. Thornton (Gt. Britain) was appointed Secretary.
The appointed tellers were E. Wächtler and F. Van Vaerenbergh, and the interpreters were Miss Kaye (Gt. Britain) and R. Kielinger (Switzerland).
The minutes of the Second Naturist Congress were taken as read as all countries had received copies of the report and minutes.
U.S.A. requested that a correction be made that there were 2 not 3 visitors from that country as stated.
With this correction the report and minutes were adopted.
M. A Lecocq gave the report of the work of the Committee, which was preparation of the draft copies of the Statutes etc., of the proposed Federation and Mrs. D. Thornton gave the financial report. These were both accepted.
Mrs. I. Dissen (Holland) proposed that the formation of the proposed organization should be postponed to the following morning so that the Swiss and Canadian delegate might be present. This was agreed. Owing to transport difficulties the delegates were delayed and reached Montalivet late on the 22nd. Dr. Thut of Canada had had to curtail his continental visit on account of the strikes and R. Kielinger was his deputy.
On Sunday, August 23rd, the delegates re-assembled with the addition of E. Fankhauser (Switzerland) and R. Kielinger (Canada). The question of the U.S.A vote was again considered and on E. Fankhauser’s proposal it was agreed that F. Emerson (A.S.A.) and A. Knapp (S.U.N. and C.N.C.) should each use a half-vote.
It was then unanimously agreed that the international organization should be formed and debate began on its name.
Canada proposed “World Naturist Federation”,
Switzerland proposed “Universal Naturist Union”,
France proposed “International Naturist Federation:.
After debate and taking a vote, “International Naturist Federation” received the majority of votes and thus becomes the accepted title. This title is easily translated into most languages and the monogram I.N.F. or F.N.I. can be easily adapted.
During the discussions it was found that there were so many points of debate as several countries had items they desired to amend in the proposed Statutes and these would prove too long a programme for the present Congress, it was agreed that the Congress should accept the Statutes in principle. A proposal by Great Britain, that the Committee that would be elected late in the day, should collect amendments, first from their own countries, should circulate them and prepare these for the next Congress. In the coming year the most necessary amendments would be found in the light of experience and the discussions of the Third Congress and decisions of the Second Congress must be borne in mind.
The “Chart and Protocol” were then debated and the following amendments made:
1. The numbers were removed from the classification of aims.
2. Information. The first sentence to read: It is requested the naturist publications recognized by national organizations through their main bodies, ensure, free of charge, a press service to all national organizations.
3. Propaganda. This was changed to “Public Relations”. It was stated that some countries experience interference if the word “propaganda” is used.
4. Annual Congress. 1. To read: Every nation sends one voting delegate only.
5. Arbitration. 2. “His decision will be final” to be deleted and replaced by “An appeal can be made to the next Congress whose decision will be final.”
With these amendments the Protocol was passed and adopted.
It was agreed that the President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the I.N.F. should reside in one country for easier co-operation and that the several Vice-Presidents to be different nations.
Dr. Richard Ehrmann was unanimously elected President and he will select the Secretary and Treasurer from his own country (Austria) and inform the Committee.
Vice-Presidents: A. Lecocq (France), E. Wächtler (Germany), Mrs. D. Thornton (Gt. Britain), E. Fankhauser (Switzerland).
The new President proposed that 3 “counsellors” should be selected to give their help and advice. This was accepted and Mrs. I. Dissen (Holland), F. Emerson (U.S.A.), and A. Knapp (U.S.A.) were selected.
The German delegate proposed the adoption of the following motion: “The Third Naturist Congress of August 22/23, 1953, held at Montalivet, France, notes that the German Parliament passed a Bill trying to suppress Naturist Magazines, claiming them to be immoral and injurious to young people. The Congress protests against this defamation of Naturism, this letter having proved to be of high value in the education of youth. The Ten Nations represented at the Congress will give fullest possible support by all means in their power in their fight against this defamation and the restrictions imposed upon the publicity of the Naturist movement. ”
A suggestion from the Delegate from Holland was that Editors of periodicals be invited to use more pictures that are truly representative of naturism and to use less of posed models.
Naturists’ International
A scheme for an international “Membership” card or “Certificate” was outlined by A. Lecocq who explained that this is to be a means of uniform recognition of all naturists of the whole world, a means of introduction and a means of additional income for the I.N.F., the national organizations and the clubs.
The scheme provides that the I.N.F., shall prepare “certificates” or “Brevets” to be purchased by member countries of I.N.F., to be sold to Secretaries of clubs of the national organizations who, in turn sell to their members. The “brevets” are to be available to club members only, not to magazine subscribers or non-practising naturists and is a means of introduction not for propaganda.
The scheme was welcomed and accepted by all and Mr. A. Lecocq was requested to proceed with the plans.
M. A. Lecocq closed the Congress with thanks to all for their attendance and co-operation and read the announcement to the Press.
The new President spoke and invited the Congress to meet: in Austria, August 29/30th 1954.
Thanks were expressed to M. Lecocq for the excellent arrangements for the Congress, to the members of F.F.N. who gave so splendid a dramatic show for delegates’ entertainment and Dr. Ehrmann fo his fine coloured lantern slides show.
Dorothy Thornton,
September, 1953
September, 1953
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