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Sol Stern, ASA Prseident (1961-62 & 1966-67) |
I am not interested or concerned with the fixing of the blame. The responsibility is encumbant upon all of us. Let us not attempt to determine fault. The acts of subversion and internal dissention that have been indulged in for their own sake, and not to solve problems, are what we must eliminate. One cannot treat cancer with asprin; only immediate removal of the cause will aid. So in nudism we must concern ourselves with basic and underlying cause of the problems that confront us. Treating symptoms does not cure the cause of a disease.
From all the recent statements and writings of the leaders involved, it appears that everyone is agreed that the time is here when we should begin or taken an adult attitude and terminate the petty bickering. In view of the fact that everyone seems agreed on the course of conduct to be followed; all that remains to be done is to do it. If everyone will take an ethical position and offer constructive criticism to aid progress, or to correct defective situations; and if our positions on the issues are taken, not on the basis of personalities, but by being objective. The interests of the organization and its members must be place above personal feuds, ambitions, and other self serving motivations. We can quickly destroy this insidious condition that threatens to destroy organized nudism.
I do not question the motives of those who are responsible for the condition of which I speak. Most of the proponents of the ideas that have caused some of our internal strife and bad internal public relations are proven sincere nudists. They are acting in good faith and have earned the respect of everyone for their many services to the organization. However, they have permitted their zeal to blind them to the point of view of others whose motives are also commendable. Often groups seek to attain the same goals or ends; but they differ as to the means to be used. Instead of resolving this difference as logic and prudent people; they injure the very organization they desire to help, by indulging in undesirable practices and procedures. They rock the boat in order to impose their will upon others. If we destroy the boat in an argument over which we pursue to follow nothing will remain on which to sail the selected course.
Peace for progress. Let us inaugurate a crusade of peace and harmony and thus create a climate in which progress for nudism can be assured. We must have unity and peace so that we can make progress. If compromise and tolerance of others ideas and thinking is necessary, let us subscribe to these principles. We have all seen too many Pyrrhic victories in the past, the quid pro for which have been so excessive that the organization has practically died. It is clear to all that we are being torn apart by that deadly internal strife. All that is necessary to eliminate this is for all concerned to manifest their intent that they will no longer be a party thereto. The cure can be effected immediately. Let's do it.
Our problem is one of internal public relations. A program must be formulated to save nudism and the ASA from the unnecessary internal strife that now threatens to destroy both of them. We must not only have lip service or oral acceptance of the principle of peace for progress, but a manifestation of the desire to adopt and abide by such a program by affirmative action. Only in this manner can we create the desired climate for the progress and growth of nudism.
Our leaders in the organization are to be commended for their unselfish efforts by which they seek to advance the cause of nudism in general and the enjoyment thereof by the members in particular. However, for these same leaders to waste their efforts, not because of their inability to resolve the problems confront us from without, but because of the internal short sightedness and the undesirable motivations and attitudes of some of our own members is ridiculous.
Nudism can be successful only if the climate of endeavor is one of cooperation and a joining of efforts to scale the heights together. Unselfish dedication by all the members to our goals is essential. The discordant and diverse forces and factions must be brought into harmony so that a unity of purpose can be achieved. With unity and singleness of purpose must come progress and success.
Let us all rise above our petty thinking and feuds and come to the aid of our organization in its hour of need, so that the ASA can fulfil its destiny. It is to be remembered that all the organizational matters are conducted for the purpose of furthering the interests of nudism in general and the welfare of the members in particular. Therefore, let us devote our time and energies to these ends and not indulge in internal politics solely for politics or personal reasons. We cannot afford this luxury. Nudism will grow, progress and prosper only in the light of tolerance, compromise, understanding and a desire by all to achieve our proper place in the sun. We cannot afford to dissipate our time, money and energy fighting among ourselves. We must use these weapons to meet the threats that confront us from without and insure the necessary growth. Let there be peace so that we may progress. Then nudism will attain maturity and take its proper place in the sun of the societies of people.
Sol Stern
(Source: The Bulletin, Volume 10,
Number 5, May 1961)
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