
Friday, November 30, 2012


Are there still people in the naturist world who believe that any kind of publicity is good publicity and that it doesn’t matter a whit what is written about us as long as something or other is written? Yes, there are indeed. Some would say that even an article which treats naturism contemptuously can be of use. It is, of course, quite possible that articles such as that by Manfred Schmidt recently printed in Quick and discussed thoroughly in the very last issue of our magazine, can produce different reactions in its readers from that imagined from the author. There are, after all, still some people who can think for themselves and form independent judgments, There still are the critically-minded to be found here and there. Such persons can sort the wheat from the chaff but the great majority take everything they read by a well-known publicist as the gospel truth.

At a time when naturism has spread so widely and when its aims and purposes have gained fairly wide recognition among growing sections of the population, we have no need whatsoever to rely on the ‘evaluations’ of a Manfred Schmidt. Quite the contrary. We must not only disassociate ourselves from them entirely but do everything in our power to refute the falsehoods. For what are they? Merely extremely tendentious writings couched in a more or less insulting form. We must deny, put things in the proper perspective, and enlighten the general public on the true state of affairs. We know that what we have to offer is good and wholesome; we can perceive that our efforts are recognized in many different places of the modern community. We can, therefore, expect honest and orderly treatment but only if we do more ourselves to raise our status among the ordinary public. There are 1 or 2 examples in my mind at the moment of how not to do this. Firstly, comes the case of the ‘nude theatricals’ from Kansas USA. This again, was fully dealt with in our last issue. American naturists were very glad that long reports appeared in the papers following the production of a play with a naked cast. Our view is that such ‘publicity’ is not only worthless in itself but positively damaging. The majority would regard a theatrical performance with naked actors and actresses as so unusual that the sense and purpose of such a procedure would entirely escape them. Perhaps, one or two might find the report ‘interesting’ enough to warrant their further investigation of ‘naturism’. They might even become members eventually. But the effect on the broad masses  – and there are exactly the people we want to interest – would be to produce ironical and derisive comments. I experienced this myself when the report on the Kansas, USA, nude theatricals appeared in the Danish press.

Let us take a further example from Austria: not so long ago the provincial paper Salzkammergut-Zeitung  published an article on nudism couched in terms of bitter and condemnatory invective because the local cinema had shown a ’nudist film’. It happened to be one of those hateful English films of that nature from which the INF Congress so clearly disassociated itself. But what happened? A paper entitled Sonnenmensch which says it is a naturist magazine actually commissioned one of its contributors to write an article condemning the attitude of the Salzkammergut-Zeitung  towards the nudist film. The editor of the Salzkammergut-Zeitung  replied to this protest with the remark: We reject nudism entirely and consider all discussion on it to be a waste of time’. It is, of course, very sad to find a newspaper editor so intolerant as not to allow free expression of opinion in his pages. But let us frankly admit that in this instance we have some understanding for his point of view. Sonnenmensch was defending something bad. If the contributor in question had tried to make the point that the naturist movement itself rejected the kind of films which were the subject of the local paper’s complaint, it is likely that he would have been given space to print a sensible article. Instead of that he tried frantically to defend the film itself and excuse the producer for not succeeding better in this aim! And this, despite the fact that we all know perfectly well why such films are made. On commercial grounds pure and simple. Not with the idea of promoting naturism but to earn hard cash in sex-speculation.

How can we ever expect the ordinary daily press to take us seriously or write about us in an objective and factual manner when we act so stupidly even in our papers which call themselves naturist journals? Every idea must prove itself and that also applies to naturism. We have now proved ourselves to such an extent that there are, in fact, many newspapers that deal with us in a serious fashion. The article ‘Outside Good and Evil’ which appeared in the Deutsche Zeitung of Cologne and was mentioned in our last issue in connection with the Manfred Schmidt affair is a fine example of what I mean. Similar writing has appeared in other countries. In fact the INF is getting ready to publish a work in three languages, reprinting such articles which have appeared in various countries. This INF publication will document the fact that some papers have at last understood us and recognized naturism as a cultural element of our time.

It is only by means of such articles – not through sensational reports about nude theatricals and nudist films – that ordinary, intelligent people can be won to the naturist cause.
Erik Holm

Sun and Health, International Edition, Vol. 28, June-July 1964)


Photo: Michaela Toepper
Photo: AKK Birkenheide
Photo: Michaela Toepper




(NR. 1 – 6)

40. Alpe-Adria-Treff 2012 Autocamp Solaris 1:6 – 2:22
50 Jahre RUTAR LIDO – FKK in Südkärnten! 3:10
60 Jahre Sportgemeinschaft Sonnenfreunde Nürnberg e.V. 3:11
Ballsportwochenende in Hachen 3:4
Bremer Glühweinturnier mit Weihnachtsfeier 2:4
DFK-Familienehrung Die Gewinner 2011 3:12
DFK-Miniabo 2:20
DFK-Shop 1:24 – 2:24 – 3:24
DFK-Sporttermine 1. Halbjahr 1:12 – 2.Halbjahr 2:12
DAHMEN, Heinrich
— Ein Erlebnisbericht vom Ultraläufer und Naturist Heinrich Dahmen aus Kerpen 3:21
Die documenta in Kassel – unsere Vereine laden ein! 3:22
Die Neuen stellen sich vor 3:16
EGGERS, Wilhelm
— Offenes Schiwmmen und Gebietsmeisterschaft beim BffL Volkersheim 3:6
Einladung zum Nackt-Wandern im Hamburger Umland 2:22
FKK-Zeltplatz Amrum 1:21
Familie Aschemann, BffL Hannover. DFK-Familienehrungsgewinner 2012 3:13
— 25 Jahre Dienst für die deutsche FKK-Organisation 3:14
FLOETH, Stephan
— Abenteuerschwimmen bei der FSG Leverkusen, 1:5
— 18. Kehrausturnier 2011 in Pétanque am 10./11. September auf dem Sportgelände des BffL Bremen e.V. 1:8
— 40. Welttitelkämpfe im Schwimmen in der „Goldener Stadt“ an der Moldau, 1:4
— LSB-Vereinswettbewerb 3:7
Gipfeltreffen in Hannover, 3:3
— Super Wetter, super Stimmung bei der DFK-Qualifikation des NVSH 1:8
, Manfred
— Wie die FKK ins „Alte Land“ kam – in Stade entstand das erste Vereinsgelände 2:8
HÄTTY, Manfred
— FSG-Qualifikation für die DFK-Pétanque-meisterschaft 2012 am 25.9.11 beim LBN Duisburg 1:5
— Große Ereignisse werfen ihre Schatten voraus 3:7
— Leserbrief zu Ausgabe 2, März 2012 3:21
— FSG Tischtennis-Einladungsturnier 2011 1:11
HEYNIG, Jürgen
— Lichtbund Karlsruhe geht neue Wege zur Mitgliederwerbung 3:10
— Gesundheit braucht Bewegung! 1:11
HÖHNE, Matina
— Familien-Kubb Turnier in Kiel fester Termin fürfesten Sport 1:18
HÖHNE, Matina und Thomas HARTJEN
— Harry Potter und das… Wochenende der Erinnerungen 2:16
, Gernot
— Jungmöhl – eine fast vergessene FKK-Idylle – Der Plauer See war einst Anziehungspunkt für Naturisten 1:20
HUMMEL, Rainer
— Verbandstag des LV Mitte in Bad Ems 3:8
… jetzt unsere beisitzer 3:18
Kanusporting zu Gast bei den Lahngärtnern, Der 1:10
— Für einen Barfuß-Fühlpfad ist immer Platz! Unten ohne wird zum Freizeittrend 2:14
— LV Schwimmfest in Pforzheim-Eutingen, 1:5
— Leserbrief, 1:3
Kleinanzeigen 1:23 – 2:21- 3:23
KOELLE, Patricia
— Tauwetter 2:3
Mee(h)r erleben 5. Internationales FKK-Familientreffen 20.07. – 29.07.2012  2:23
Mee(h)r erleben Int. Jugendtreffen 20.07.2012 – 29.07.2012 3:19
Messertermine 2012, 1:3
MÜLLER, Christoph
— Mitgliederwerbung ist eine Aufgabe aller. Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zum Thema 2:11
„Natur – pur meine erste Nacktwanderung
POETSCH, Joachim
— Neuer Landesverband im DFK – Verband für Familiensport und Naturismus Nord (VFN) e.V. 1:15
POETSCH, Joachim &  Heiko HERZBERG
— Im Alter von 90 Jahren ist Heinz Müller am 16.02.2012 in Konstanz verstorben 3:3
RICHTER, Kerstin
— Happy Birthday! Hundert Jahre sind ein Grund zum Feiern! 2:7
— Ein untypischer Crosslauf beim Lichtbund Wuppertal 1:7
— Jahresauftakt am Zieselsmaar 3:5
SCHULZ, Günter O.
— Leserbrief 3:21
Sport oder Wellness? 3:4
— Familiensportbund Salzgitter setzt auf Ökostrom 2:5
TOEPPER, Michaela
— Liebe Leserinnen und Leser 1:2 – 2:2 – 3:2
— Unser Kurt wird siebzig! 1:6
VEIK, Eberhard
— Der DFK auf der ABF in Hannover. Der Erfolg ist nicht gleich sichtbar! 2:6
— Ein Aushängeschild für Familien- und Breitensport im BffL Braunschweig 2:3
, Eberhard und Herbert STEFFAN
— Die Messe in Bremen ist schon vorbei und wir schauen weiter nach vorn zur ABF in Hannover und der „Camping-Caravan
in Essen 1:16
VIOLA, Roger
— „Mee(h)r erleben
am Rosenfelder Strand 1:17
Was Übungsleiter verdienen dürfen 2:4
Welt-Naturisten-Tag 2012, 1:3
— Ursula (Uschi) Wischeropp geehrt 3:6
— ‘Ne Neue unter uns 2:18


Photo: F. Remde
Photo:: Michaela Toepper

Photo: Klaus Ender


NR. 1- 6

50 Jahre RUTAR LIDO – FKK in Südkärnten 3:20
Auf zur dOCUMENTA (13) nach Kassel – der NBK lädt ein! 3:6
DFK-Miniabo 1:23 – 2:10
DFK-Shop 1:24 – 2:24 – 3:24
, Franz
— 3. Internationaler Naturistenlauf am Rosenfelder Strand 2012  2:10
, Wilhelm
— FKK-Urlaub im Winter auf Lanzarote 2:14
Ein Erlebnisbericht vom Ultraläufer und Naturisten Heinrich Dahmen aus Kerpen 3:15
ENDER, Klaus
— Meine schönsten Enthullungen 3:21
FKK an der Algarve – weite Strände inklusive 3:22
Ferien, Küsse, FKK 3:11
Ferienidyll am Rätzsee 2:21
— Der DFK auf der Messe in Utrecht 1:3
Frankreich, Camping Pallieter in der Bretagne 2:11
Freie Körper (Salzburger Nachrichten) 1:12
Frohe Ostern! 2:3
— Ein Schweizer formte ganz wesentlich die FKK 1:22
, Bernd
— Die „nasse Wiege
der FreiKörperKultur. Der AKK  Birkenheide ist schon 90 Jahre alt. 1:6
Humor…  ist der Schwingflügel auf dem Strom des Lebens 3:4
Immer wieder Amrum im Sommer 3:8
Jetzt die Immunabwehr stärken 1:17
KAFKA, Franz
— Wege entstehen dadurch, dass man sie geht 2:4
— Eine sonnige Woche in Koversada 1:20
Kleinanzeigen 1:23 – 2:23 – 3:23
— Die Freude ist überall. Es gilt nur, sie zu entdecken. 1:4
Los Banyos de la Luz „Bäder des Lichts

Nacktlauf am Rosenfelder Strand Interview mit Franz Dirscherl 3:18
Projekt  „Naked Heart “ die Revolution bist du! 3:3
QR-Code? Was ist das? 3:3
REMDE, Friedrich und Rosmarie
— Leserbrief 1:11
Friedhelm & Margret
— Des Naturistengehört in Mecklenburg 1:18
, Günter O.
— Fuerteventura 2:15
SIMMLER , Brigitte & Heinz
— Eisberge, Nordlichter, Mittenachtsonne und FKK 1:15
— FKK-Urlaub in Dänemark – Jütland lässt grüßen! 2:19
— FKK am Nordatlantik 3:12
Sportgemeinschaft Sonnenfreunde Nürnberg e.V. stellt sich vor! 2:6
Thailand ist (immer) noch nichts für Naturisten… 3:14
, Michaela
— Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser 1:2 – 2:2 – 3:2
— Reise + Camping Essen 2:22

PHOTO 12011

Rare black and white picture 145x100mm (c. 1930) by the FKK-photographer Gerhard Riebicke (1878-1957) recently auctioned at eBay.  Shown (right) Adolf Koch’s first wife Ilka Dieball. She appears in the 1933 nudist film This Nude World. A copy of this film is available at the Naturist Archives.


Alfred Charles Kinsey
Hoboken, N.J., 6/23/1894 - Bloomington, IN, 8/25/1956 (62)

Let it be said that we feel a deep sense of personal loss in the passing of Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey, 62, the world-famous authority on the sexual habits of mankind, and extend our sympathies to his family and to Drs., Wardell Pomeroy, Clyde Martin, Paul Gebhard, Alice Field, Ritchie Davis and to Eleanor Roehr. They worked closely with Dr. Kinsey in the Institute for Sex Research which Kinsey set up on the Indiana university campus, and must feel a loss greater than anyone in the world except the famed doctor's own family.

The doctor, a dedicated scientist, never permitted himself to be ruffled by the storm of scientific and religious controversy touched off by his best-seller, “Sexual Behaviour of the Human Male” published in 1948 and the sequel on women's sexual behavior which came out in 1953, both written in unsensational, academic style. He had been ailing for six months but his condition had not been considered critical. He died August 25, of a heart ailment and pneumonia.

Many ministers and some scientists protested that Kinsey's reports reduced intimate human relations to cold statistics. He aroused further controversy by complaining that too many laws against sex offences made crimes out of widely practiced sex acts. Of interest to nudists, will be Dr. Kinsey's statement made to us in a personal letter, that, “I hope that you have gathered already from our publications that we think it an unnecessary cultural development that we should become so completely afraid of nudity in these United States.”

We had some correspondence with Dr. Kinsey with reference to his still pending dispute with the customs officials over an impounded shipment of nudist and other magazines. The doctor was interested in the progress of our own case with the customs over some of the same magazines. At last writing, Dr. Kinsey said, “It is not yet clear whether the Customs Department is going to force us to fight the case in court, but if so, it would be a help in establishing the precedent in the handling of such material. Certainly there are abundant decisions showing that the scholar should have access to any kind of material even though it is denied general circulation... we intend to fight for the exercise of the discretion which they (the customs) have in admitting such material for scholars.”

The institute's closely guarded library of material allied to sexual behavior is considered to be one of the largest of its kind in the world and contains one of the largest of its kind in the world and contains one of the three existing complete files of AMERICAN NUDIST LEADER in its variant editions.

President Herman Wells of Indiana University, which has long supported Dr. Kinsey, has called the Kinsey reports “pioneer studies of great significance... part of the scientific heritage of the entire world,” and added that Kinsey's work “will furnish a solid foundation for future investigators in this field.”

Our sympathies to the family and co-workers of Dr Alfred C. Kinsey. We hope that the work which bears his name, will be continued at the university.

Mervin Mounce

(The Nudist Newsletter, issue no. 57,
October, 1956


Provocative illustrations in naturist magazines
are not only superfluous – they are a positive danger

‘During an action in which 22 newsagents were arrested in Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.), several thousand nudist magazines were confiscated by the police! ’

A sudden searchlight was turned on naturism’s most sensitive point as this report went through the international press and the eyes of the general public were attracted thereto. This sensitivity was, however, caused by the fact that almost all persons outside the movement misunderstand what naturism means.

Nakedness, according to the generally accepted moral code, is the ante-chamber of eroticism. We have, it is true, reinstalled nudity to its proper place after its having been forced out of communal life. We have endeavoured to make it play its part in an improved morality whenever just and fitting. But there are many who do not understand our aims and believe we go naked merely to obtain greater sexual freedom.

And these very people sometimes feel they have striking confirmation of their views. Indications are perceived in that sphere where our critics not unjustly think they can condemn us. Over-emphasized and abnormal sexuality appear to be frequenters of our community. How do people reach such conclusions? Mainly through certain magazines which in their make-up and frequent self-conferred titles pretend to be organs for the naturist movement. In many cases they are far from what they pretend to be. Often they are nothing more than inferior products of publishing houses where naturist ideology is misused in order to cash in on the sensation of nudity.

Many people unaware that naturism is a movement of high ideals take their cue from such trash and immeasurable damage is thereby done to real naturism.

This damage is brought about in 3 ways: by the illustrations published in them; by the essays and articles printed; and by the proliferation of ‘small ads’. Illustrations in magazines purporting to propagate naturism and reveal its essence must at all costs avoid sexually stimulating effects and provocative poses. The only excuse for printing nude pictures at all is to prove that there is a completely cold sexless nudity in addition to the stimulating nudity known to all. In other words the pictures in naturist magazines must reflect the same cleanliness and lack of dubiety which dominate our naturist grounds. They must take it clear unambiguously and incontrovertibly that we view the naked body in a frank and dispassionate manner which leaves no room or ulterior thoughts.

The pseudo-naturist magazines, however, are littered with photos of persons who have undressed with only one obvious aim: to expose their bodily attractions in alluring poses. But remember always: such pictures and the magazines in which they appear have no more to do with real naturism than the flowers that bloom in the spring. They cannot – by their very essence – attempt to propagate naturist ideology – that is to say nakedness devoid of sexual overtones. The effect of the above-mentioned illustrations is quite the opposite: such depictions disgust very single person worth interesting in our movement. Provocative illustrations, therefore, are not only superfluous – they are a positive danger which must not be underestimated to the whole naturist movement. They broadcast false ideals about us and attract undesired people in our ranks. Essays and texts published in naturist magazines, even ‘small ads’ and announcements can have the same denigrating effect as unsuitable illustrations. They can awaken the impression in the general reader’s mind that naturists are especially interested in treatment of themes of a sexual character. Such magazines’ content, of course, frightens away not only the seriously-minded we desire to attract but also invites those whose attitude we utterly reject.

One thing we must never forget is that the nude body has been suppressed for hundreds of years. This repression of natural humanity has caused moral deviations which have led in turn to the spread of a degenerate sexuality. Nudity is one of our basic tenets. It is obvious, therefore, that victims of sexual degeneracy assume that they can slake their desires in our clubs. Those are the ones who hope from outside to find their likes within the movement whether by ‘small ads’ or pictures which exceed the bounds of respectability and which no real naturist would ever dream of publishing. Such individuals quickly come to notice in our clubs and have no business there: eternal vigilance must however, still be our watchword. We must be constantly on the alert to ensure that nothing happens which could lend colour to the belief that nudity could be another word for sexual gratification.

There is no place within the naturist movement for those who have degraded their generative powers exclusively to the plane of base erotic sensation. We can class those pseudo-marriages in this category, which have sunk to over-sexualized unions where the partners are changeable and expendable. But we can also put the ‘lone wolves’ (predominantly male) into this class: those individuals who from feelings of inferiority, egoism or irresponsibility shrink back from founding a family believing that they can thereby indulge in a more pleasurable and varied sexual life.

But what about the overwhelming number of our contemporaries who have in no way descended to degenerate sexuality? Even they think that nudity is primarily an appeal to sex instincts, a feeling conditioned by the complex-conditioned taboo thereon. We must always bear in mind that naturism’s most vulnerable point is situated here – it is the Achilles’ heel of our movement. Our aim must, therefore, be to shield this vulnerability as far as possible with all the means in our power. Let us ensure that an intensive campaign among the general public makes clear that no false ideas as to our cause exist. Our efforts are so clearly marked by our concern for the general welfare that we need not hide our light under a bushel. Let us continue to see that our ranks remain unsullied. Let us refuse to permit our aims to be falsified and misused for other purposes. Let us, in conclusion, ensure that the educational principles (and fundamental upbringing) become generally accepted. Our vulnerability will decrease in proportion to the extent we manage this. Naturism will then march to success despite the Achilles’ Heel.
Rudolf Beißbarth

(Source: Sun and Health International Edition, Vol. 28, June-July 1964)

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