
Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The INF-FNI Library has secured a permanent  position at the Niedersächsiches Institut für Sportgeschichte Hoya e.V.
Ferdinand-Wilhelm-Fricke Weg 10,
D-30169 Hannover, Germany
Tel:: 0049 511 12 68 50 60 – (Contact person: Frau Martin)
Fax: 0049 511 12 68 5065

The entire collection of the largest naturist library in Europe will be accessible to students of the FKK movement in the near future. More information on visiting hours and availability of the material will be obtained from Mrs Martin.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Naturista meghivó programokkal

Napóra Klub

Régi és új naturista barátainkat szeretettel várjuk március  27- én vasárnap   15h-tól - 18h-ig   vasárnapi szauna összejövetelünkön  a Hotel Palota City ben,,  Budapest, XV. Régi Fóti út. 59. a Napóra Klub szervezésében.  A jelentkezést szívesen fogadjuk.   

Naturista üdvözlettel:

Tel/fax  +1 340-6097, mobil  +36 20 9428265  
Napóra Klub , Budapest , H-1138 Tomori utca 23. 
Alapitva : 1988-ban . Szja 1% felajánláshoz adószámunk  19010997-1-41 

Kedves  Naturista Barátunk,

 Ezúton hivunk  Balatonakaliban a  Levendula   Naturista kempingnyitó rendezvényünkre amely április 29 – május 1.-i hétvégén lesz. Erre 2 mobilházat, 2 bérelhető lakókocsit tudnak nekünk fenntartani. A napi árak a következők:Mobilház max. 6 fő részére 7.500.-Ft/éj/mobilház    Bérlakókocsi max. 4 fő részére 5.000.-Ft/éj/lakókocsi   Sátrazóknak a napi díj 850.-Ft/fő/éj 14 éves kor felett, gyerekeknek (14 éves korig) pedig 650.-   Ft/fő/éj. Ezekben az árakban nincs benne az idegenforgalmi adó. Várjuk szíves visszajelzéseteke   legkésőbb április 17-ig  az időponttal , választott szálláshelyfoglalással, telekocsi  vagy vonat utazással  kapcsolatban.

A Napóra Klub programjában közös utazás, bogrács,  késő délutáni forró szaunázás, utána balatoni öblitő fürdőzés, strandröplabda , asztalitenisz  és közgyűlés szerepel.

 A Balatontourist Zrt jó szórakozást kíván,  és üdvözletét küldi az egész csapatnak !

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


March, 2011

Theatre in the buff? Tonight's performance of Montparnasse is an all-nude affair (J. Kelly Nestruck, Toronto Globe and Mail, Thursday, March 31, 2011)
British Sea Power finds freedom in farmhouse recording sessions (John Lucas, Straight, Wednesday, March 30, 2011)
A New Kind Of Oasis Right Here In Land O' Lakes (Mike Adams, Land O Lakes Patch, Tuesday, March 29, 2011)
Rumors about naked race running rampant (Jay Speidell, Collegiate Times, Tuesday, March 29, 2011;)
Goa's former nudist beach to have 2014 Games Village (IANS via Mangalorean, Monday, March 28, 2011)
Photographer Runs Errands While Naked (In The Name Of Art) (Lane Moore, Jezebel, Saturday, March 26, 2011)
A mobile Mardi Gras: San Francisco's Bay to Breakers race has a legion of followers (Josh Noel, Chicago Tribune, Thursday, March 24, 2011)
'Freedom to be ourselves and to wear, or not wear, what we want' (video) (Kelly Koopmans, KVAL News, Thursday, March 24, 2011)
Convicted perv no nudist, says Crown (Kevin Martin, Calgary Sun, Thursday, March 24, 2011)
A different kind of March Madness (Carolyn Hawkins, Weekly Surge, Thursday, March 24, 2011)
Five artists explore nudity in contemporary Japanese photography (Wanda Jackson, The Sentinel, Thursday, March 24, 2011)
Nearly Naked Mile provides clothes for those in need (Justin L. Mack, jconline, Wednesday, March 23, 2011)
Columnist faces naked reactions (Derrick Knutson, Maplewood-Ramsey Review-News, Wednesday, March 23, 2011)
Photographer Exposes the NYC Experience Herself (Marina Galperina, Animal, Wednesday, March 23, 2011)
Nude in Public: A Photographic Survey [NSFW] (Marina Galperina, FlavorPill, Wednesday, March 23, 2011)
It's Almost Time For the Caliente Clothes Closet (Mike Adams, Land O Lakes Patch, Tuesday, March 22, 2011 )
Oregon Nudists Get Their 'Strip' On In Free Speech Debate (Mark Kernes, AVN, Tuesday, March 22, 2011)
Videos of kids swimming considered child porn, court told (Kevin Martin, QMI Agency via cnews, Tuesday, March 22, 2011)
Naked man chases, tackles thief (OMI via Toronto Sun, Tuesday, March 22, 2011)
Nudists fight strip club law 'threatening' their right to go naked (Daily Mail, Tuesday, March 22, 2011)
Naked woman rescued from Torrey Pines cliff (Susan Shroder, San Diego Union-Tribune, Tuesday, March 22, 2011)
Naked woman rescued from cliff (video) (Fox 5 San Diego, Tuesday, March 22, 2011)
Nudism is not sex (Rich Pasco, Melbourne Community Voice, Tuesday, March 22, 2011)
The nudist club that is really taking off (Halifax Courier, Monday, March 21, 2011)
Ore. nudists fear being covered by strip club laws (Jonathan J. Cooper, Associated Press by Forbes, Monday, March 21, 2011)
Top nudist beaches (Joshua Crouthamel, MSN, Friday, March 18, 2011)
All About The Boobs (Marie Claire, Yahoo! Lifestyle, Thursday, March 17, 2011)
Cllr Peter Goody returns to Conservative group (Edwina Ellington, Ilford Recorder, Wednesday, March 16, 2011)
Nude Big Brother on the cards (Bulawayo 24 News, Wednesday, March 16, 2011)
Cheers and whistles for gay nudist candidate (Reg Domingo, City Voice via SX, Wednesday, March 16, 2011)
On St. Patty's Day Be Sure To Wear Your Green Tattoo (Mike Adams, Land O Lakes Patch, Tuesday, March 15, 2011 )
Students protest NQR's end with Res Quad run (Laina Piera & Ellen Kan, Tufts Daily, Tuesday, March 15, 2011)
The hunt is on for housemates for a nude Big Brother-type show (STV, Tuesday, March 15, 2011)
On St. Patty's Day Be Sure To Wear Your Green Tattoo (Mike Adams, Land O Lakes Patch, Tuesday, March 15, 2011)
German stereotypes: fond of nudity on the beach, sometimes even skiing (The Guardian, Tuesday, March 15, 2011)
Naked came the Florida Young Naturists (Joanie Cox, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Monday, March 14, 2011)
Man Dies After Being Nude In Traffic & Tased By Police (Lindsay William-Ross, LAist, Monday, March 14, 2011)
Citing dangers, Tufts president says he'll end naked student run (Martin Finucane, Boston Herald, Monday, March 14, 2011)
Campo nudista en la selva (Milenio, Monday, March 14, 2011)
[Translation] Nudist camp in the jungle (Milenio, Monday, March 14, 2011)
Naked rower aims for ocean record (UK Press Association via Google, Sunday, March 13, 2011)
Should we feel embarrassed about a nude encounter in the home? (Agnes K. Namaganda, Sunday Monitor
Amanda Seyfried says she's most comfortable when she's naked (ANI via SIFY, Sunday, March 13, 2011)
Ask Dr Jock: Thinking of Visiting a Naturist Club (Dr. Jock McDonald, OfficialWire, Saturday, March 12, 2011)
Facebook removes topless breast cancer survivor's photo; Woman wanted to show recontructed breastsNY Daily News, Friday, March 11, 2011)
Enchanted pools: Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia (Crai S Bower, The Washington Times, Thursday, March 10, 2011)
NSW nudist candidate disrobes at electoral commission (AAP via Herald Sun, Thursday, March 10, 2011)
Hanson, nudist enliven NSW poll (AAP via Sydney Morning Herald, Thursday, March 10, 2011)
Valerie Bertinelli shocked by naked man on chat show (Lee Brown, Monsters & Critics, Thursday, March 10, 2011)
‘Hair’ brings back memories (R. Scott Reed, GateHouse News Service via Taunton Gazette, Wednesday, March 9, 2011)
Alleged Teacher Nude Pic Case Highlights Dangers of Sexting (video) (Tess Koppelman, Fox 4 Kansas City, Wednesday, March 9, 2011)
Looking For Love In The Nudist Lifestyle (Mike Adams, Land O Lakes Patch, Tuesday, March 8, 2011)
Snaresbrook: Councillor cleared of exposing himself (Guardian, Tuesday, March 8, 2011)
Naked cyclists sweep Melbourne streets (Floyd Allen, International Business Times, Tuesday, March 8, 2011)
Way To Make a Statement: Ukrainian Feminists Protest 'Win a Wife' Contest By Going Topless (Christy Choi, Time, Monday, March 7, 2011)
Nude Nite 2011 photos: The art of the body (Chip Weiner, Creative Loading, Sunday, March 6, 2011)
Nude cyclists shock Melbourne streets (ABC News Australia, Sunday, March 6, 2011)
Goddesses revealed in photo book (Jan DeGrass, Coast Reporter, Sunday, March 6, 2011)
Naked cycle tour stirs Melbourne (Sid Astbury, News 24, Sunday, March 6, 2011)
Cyclists get nude in Melbourne (AAP Nine MSN, Sunday, March 6, 2011)
Naked Breasted Ladies Sue Jim Jones (Lee Bailey, Electronic Urban Report, Saturday, March 5, 2011)
Sandy Hook: It's a Little Chilly, But Don't Let That Stop You (Dw. Dunphy, Morristown Patch, Saturday, March 5, 2011)
Northwestern defends sex-toy demonstration (Associated Press via USA Today, Friday, March 4, 2011)
Faith Kroll says she'd do Northwestern Univ. sex toy demo again (Crimesider, CBS News, Friday, March 4, 2011)
Braswell says rumors are malicious (Emily Lane, The Natchez Democrat, Friday, March 4, 2011)
Broome nudist beach under review (Flip Prior, The West Australian, Friday, March 4, 2011)
Broome takes a closer peek at nudism (Flip Prior, The West Australian, Friday, March 4, 2011)
Report: Naked Party At Yale University Prompts Sexual Assault Investigation (CBS New York, Friday, March 4, 2011)
Yale Police Department investigates Pundit party (Drew Henderson & Everett Rosenfeld, Yale News, Thursday, March 3, 2011)
Snowbirds? How About 'Eurobirds?' (Mike Adams, Land O Lakes Patch, Thursday, March 3, 2011)
Beachfront Property Owner Will Donate Some Land (If He Can Build Fence Blocking View Of Gay Sand Sex) (JD, Qwerty, Thursday, March 3, 2011)
UCSC protesters gather, spell 'FREE EDUCATION' with their bodies (Claire Le Gall, San Jose Mercury News, Wednesday, March 2, 2011)
Talking to the "naked therapist" (Tracy Clark-Flory, Salon, Wednesday, March 2, 2011)
Daily News Copies The Daily's Nude Therapy Non-Story (Kat Stoeffel, New York Observer, Wednesday, March 2, 2011)
The naked truth about neighbors' nightly showers (Dear Abby, Chicago Sun-Times, Wednesday, March 2, 2011)
Topless feminists protest NZ's 'Win a Wife' event (Stuff, Wednesday, March 2, 2011)
The human buddy: Artist's stunning pictures use nude models to provide the flower power (Daily Mail, Wednesday, March 2, 2011)
Beauty is only skin deep! The sprawling landscapes made from nude models' bodies (Daily Mail, Tuesday, March 1, 2011)
Need a (naked) shoulder to cry on? (Zosia Bielski, The Globe and Mail, Tuesday, March 1, 2011)
Gay beach sex furore (Michael Magnusson, MCV, Tuesday, March 1, 2011)
TV: The skinny on 'Nak'd Truth,' a possible nude reality series (Susan Thurston, St. Petersburg Times, Tuesday, March 1, 2011)
(Kathryn Kattalia,
[Uganda], Sunday, March 13, 2011)



ISBN-13: 978-3-8376-1610-1
Writer: Ulrike Traub
Title: Theater der Nacktheit
Subtitle: Zum Bedeutungswandel entbl
öbter Körper auf der Bühne seit 1900
Language: German
Place of Publication: Bielefeld
Publisher: Transport Verlag
Year of Publication: 2010
Format: 224x134mm
Pages: 394
Binding: Paperback
Price: € 34.80


Nach wie vor ein Tabuthema: Nackte Körper auf der Bühne. Dabei ist dieses Stilmittel keine Erfindung eines skandalheischenden Regietheaters, sondern ein Spiegel des vorherrschenden Körperverständnisses. Der nackte Körper wird zum Prüfstein für die Zivilisation der Gesellschaft und erhält ideologische Bedeutung: In der Freikörperkultur steht er für ein Lebensgefühl, während der 1960er und 70er Jahre wird er zum Symbol eines politischen Anliegens und in der jüngsten Zeit avanciert er zu einem Protestinstrument gegen den Schönheitskult. Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele - von Isadora Duncan über Hair bis Jürgen Gosch - illustriert Ulrike Traub diese Funktionen der Nacktheit auf der Bühne.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Natfest 2011 an International Naturist Festival will be held for its first time in Europe near Tarragona in north east Spain, running from noon September 19th to noon September 23rd 2011.

It can be reached from either Barcelona airport (50 mins ) or Reus airport (20 mins.) and excellent road access to the campsite via the major coastal route of the A7 and AP7.
Historically the average daytime temperature is 25`C so we are hoping history can repeat itself.

The campsite is situated just 800m from a textile and nudist beach near Tamarit, and although normally a clothed campsite, we have taken over the entire site so nudity will be permitted for the duration of the festival.

Accommodation ranges from camping through to wood and stone cabins or your own caravan / camper.

The site has a restaurant with bar facilities and a small supermarket, adult and child’s pool, table tennis, tennis, mini-golf, mini football, petanque, a zip wire (for the brave), a bicycle circuit and basketball.

Throughout the festival we are planning to have master-classes, talks, exhibits and various entertainment to include quizzes, competitions, children’s entertainment, games, photography, body painting and yoga and much more…

Evening entertainment and Thursday night naked disco!

At Natfest 2011 you can be free to wander to the beautiful beach or lounge around the pool but we are also putting on a full entertainment programme if you wish to join in. Come and stay at the site with us or just come in for the day it’s up to you and you can always introduce your textile friends to the pleasures of a life without clothes. It will also give you the opportunity to just sit and chat with other Naturists from many other countries and arrange to meet them again at next year’s event.

For more information including prices and booking forms please contact: or go to our website:
Or you can call on U.K. No. 01823 478555 (U.K. rates apply) or 0034 648496412
Escape the cold weather and come and join us for some fun in the sun…
Jacquie and Ian

Friday, March 18, 2011


February, 2011

The thrill of being completely naked! (Bulawayo News 24, Monday, February 28, 2011)
Nudism could come to Faro's Ilha Deserta this summer (The Portugal News, Saturday, February 26, 2011)
Rep. Anthony Weiner Wants ‘Sexist’ Queens Statue Removed (audio/video) (1010 WINS CBS New York, Friday, February 25, 2011)
Is This 90-Year-Old Queens Statue Sexist? (New York Times, Friday, February 25, 2011)
Court Likely to Uphold Constitutionality of ‘Nude’ Airport Scanners (David Kravets, Wired, Thursday, February 24, 2011)
Man cited in naked joyride (MSNBC, Thursday, February 24, 2011)
Facebook pulls pregnancy photo (Amy Graff, San Francisco Chronicle, Tuesday, February 22, 2011)
How to Get Boobs on Facebook (Adrian Chen, Gawker, Saturday, February 19, 2011)
Art School Runs Afoul of Facebook's Nudity Police (Miguel Helft, New York Times, Friday, February 18, 2011)
Spanish Fly seeks staff, clothing optional (Lynn Ducey, Phoenix Business Journal, Saturday, February 19, 2011)
The Naked Truth About Your Health (synopsis) (The Doctors TV Show, Friday, February 18, 2011)
Naked in Front of Your Child (video) (The Doctors TV Show, Friday, February 18, 2011)
Can Nudism Improve Your Health? (video) (The Doctors TV Show, Friday, February 18, 2011)
The Skinny on Skinny Dipping (video) (The Doctors TV Show, Friday, February 18, 2011)
Where to Eat Naked in Toronto (Robyn Urback, BlogTO, Thursday, February 17, 2011)
McMillan must be able to get along with others (Herbert C Burkhardt, The Leaf Chronicle, Wednesday, February 16, 2011)
Best places to get naked in 2011 (News.Com.Au, Wednesday, February 16, 2011)
Resident continues fight for nude beach (David Dipino, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Wednesday, February 16, 2011)
Bare buns for birdies and a cause (Marlborough Express, Wednesday, February 16, 2011)
Getting naked for a price (Maura Satti, The Vermont Cynic, Monday, February 14, 2011)
Nude Beaches: Resources and Info (Shawn Douglas, AOL Travel News, Monday, February 14, 2011)
Duo stole golf cart from nudist resort for McDonald's run, Pasco deputies say (St. Petersburg Times, Monday, February 14, 2011)
Review of IFA Beach Hotel, San Agustin, Gran Canaria (Karen Bryan, Reuters, Saturday, February 12, 2011)
Phuket Opinion: Beach nipples not naughty (Christy K. Sweet, Phuket Gazette, Sunday, February 13, 2011)
Houston women sue rapper over topless shots in music video (Associated Press via KHOU Houston, Friday, February 11, 2011)
10 Best places to get naked in 2011 (ANI via Times of India, Friday, February 11, 2011)
Police: Parents Of Sexting Teens Shocked (video) (Fox 5 News Las Vegas, Thursday, February 10, 2011)
The naked truth about nudity in the Castro (C.W. Nevius, San Francisco Chronicle, Thursday, February 10, 2011)
There's no harm in nudity (Clayton Ruby, Ottawa Citizen, Thursday, February 10, 2011)
Dubrovnik 'is top place to pop the question on Valentine's Day' (Croatian Villas, Thursday, February 10, 2011)
Valerie Bertinelli & Tom Vitale Like To Be Naked Together (Dahvi Shira, People, Thursday, February 10, 2011)
Naked handyman job ad taken off website (Paul Harper and Hayden Donnell, New Zealand Herald, Tuesday, February 8, 2011)
Fire and police join nudists for volleyball (NewstalkZB, Auckland NZ, Monday, February 7, 2011)
"El Nudo" (Khadine Kubal, Chicago Now, Sunday, February 6, 2011)
10 Great Comedy Movies: "A Shot in the Dark" (Screen Junkies, Sunday, February 6, 2011)
Palm Springs: Gay Springs Eternal (Andrew Collins, Just Out, Sunday, February 6, 2011)
Critics say bill on 'simulated' obscenity goes too far (Howard Troxler, St. Petersburg Times, Sunday, February 6, 2011)
Key West bar settles injury suit for $1.8M (Ryan McCarthy, Keynoter, Saturday, February 5, 2011)
The life of a nude art model: This one is 56 (Tim Engle, McClatchy-Tribune via The Record, Saturday, February 5, 2011)
St. Lucie County Community Calendar, updated Feb. 4: Naturist/Nudist Plant Sale (TC Palm, Friday, February 4, 2011)
Naked Girls Reading Madison is naked girls reading (Jay Rath, Isthmus, Thursday, February 3, 2011)
Asheville's new Anam Cara Theatre Company begins with 'Naked Girls Reading' (Tony Kiss, Asheville Citizen-Times, Thursday, February 3, 2011)
App for iPhone tells you where to get naked (Matt Hickey, cnet News, Thursday, February 3, 2011)
Nude activists, at it again... (Reuters via The Star, Thursday, February 3, 2011)
Nudist demands right to go free (Kathy Sundstrom, Daily Mercury, Wednesday, February 2, 2011)
Sanitation workers find small boy nearly naked in snow (Jeffrey Wolf and Corey Rose, KUSA-TV ABC 9 News, Tuesday, February 1, 2011)
New TSA technology won't create naked images (Hugo Martin, Los Angeles Times, Tuesday, February 1, 2011)
2011 Working Naked Day (Effie Orfanides, Examiner, Tuesday, February 1, 2011)
Working Naked Day Is a Dumb Idea for Moms (Megan Van Schaick, Cafe Mom, Tuesday, February 1, 2011)
Dog survey 'nips' at councillors heels (Wayne Moore, Castanet, Tuesday, February 1, 2011)
'Sexting' bill filed in SD Legislature (KSFY ABC, Tuesday, February 1, 2011)
Activists stage nude protest (Pretoria News, Tuesday, February 1, 2011)
Nude guys irk some in Castro, but not tourists (C.W. Nevius, San Francisco Chronicle, Tuesday, February 1, 2011)

January, 2011

Backers of nude beach at San Onofre claim a win (Nathan Scharn, San Diego Union-Tribune, Monday, January 31, 2011)
Nudists fight for share of beach (UPI via iStockAnalyst, Monday, January 31, 2011)
Nudism all wrapped up (Reb Stevenson, Ottawa Citizen, Saturday, January 29, 2011)
Nude men 'pop up like meerkats' at Kapiti beach (Kay Blundell, The Dominion Post via Stuff, Saturday, January 29, 2011)
The real truth about euphemisms (Sunanda K Datta-Ray, Business Standard, Saturday, January 29, 2011)
Pedantic Germans: Naked and funny (Igor Bukker, Pravda, Friday, January 28, 2011)
Year-Round Skinny Dipping? Brrr (DFO, The Spokesman-Review, Friday, January 28, 2011)
Jennifer Aniston ‘curious’ about nudists (Music Rooms, Friday, January 28, 2011)
Today's letters: ‘Nothing morally wrong about going through life without clothing’ (Paul Russell, National Post, Thursday, January 27, 2011)
D'Acampo cooks nude on This Morning (Wakefield Express, Thursday, January 27, 2011)
Nude students spark ski trip controversy (This Is Oxfordshire, Wednesday, January 26, 2011)
What the #!%*?: Public Nudity (Charles Lewis, National Post, Tuesday, January 25, 2011)
Nudist Pushes to Make Delray Beach an Official Clothing-Optional City (Lizzy Hill, Broward/Palm Beach New Times, Tuesday, January 25, 2011)
Gok Wan's naked ironing (ITN via Yahoo! News, Tuesday, January 25, 2011)
Exceptions to gym etiquette include exhibitionists, screamers (Steve Dorfman, Palm Beach Post, Monday, January 24, 2011)
Nudity laws to be subject of constitutional challenge (Linda Nguyen, Postmedia News via The Vancouver Sun, Monday, January 24, 2011)
Model Kent Van Dusseldorp knows the naked truth (Tim Engle, The Kansas City Star, Sunday, January 23, 2011)
Phuket Nipple Alert: Staying abreast of nude on our beaches (Blair Christopher, Phuket Gazette, Saturday, January 22, 2011)
Woes tossed away with clothes (Marika Hill, Manawatu Standard, Friday, January 21, 2011)
Sarah Shahi of 'Fairly Legal' Prefers to Go Naked (video) (Wendy Williams Show via TV Replay, Thursday, January 20, 2011)
Delray Nude Beach (Alexis Rivera, WPBF 25, Thursday, January 20, 2011)
Group Lobbies To Turn Delray Beach Nudist (WPBF 25, Thursday, January 20, 2011)
First Look at Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd in Wanderlust (Jamie Neish, Hey Guys, Thursday, January 20, 2011)
Nude hiker now feels it in the pocket (SwissInfo, Thursday, January 20, 2011)
Know more about essential rules of nudism! (Spicezee, Wednesday, January 19, 2011)
Nobody opposed to Sultan gun range, they just don't want it in Sultan (Dave Workman, Examiner, Tuesday, January 18, 2011)
Naturist fights for the right to bare all (Kirk Makin, Toronto Globe and Mail, Monday, January 17, 2011)
Gay nudist running for office (Brendan Bolger, SX News, Monday, January 17, 2011)
Anastasia Volochkova Naked Message To The Paparazzi: Photos (Anorak, Sunday, January 16, 2011)
California custody battle sparks overseas outrage (Jason Dearen, Associated Press via Washington Post, Saturday, January 15, 2011)
Top 10 Places to Get Naked (4 Hoteliers, Saturday, January 15, 2011)
Ballerina may face fine for nude beach pic (UPI, Friday, January 14, 2011)
Right to Bear Arms and to Bare Everything (J.R. Absher, Outdoor Life, Friday, January 14, 2011)
Could Your Band's Name Incite A Creepshow? (Beca Grimm, National Public Radio, Friday, January 14, 2011)
Lexington's popular nude exhibit celebrates 25 years (Candace Chaney, Lexington Herald-Leader, Thursday, January 13, 2011)
Big-Hearted Strippers Come to New York's Rescue (photos) (Brian Moylan & Andy Kropa, Gawker, Wednesday, January 12, 2011)
Topless women send message to Bloomberg by shoveling snow in Times Square (Christina Wilkie, The Hill, Wednesday, January 12, 2011)
Nudists and comedy Saturday at Caliente (Rebecca Ammon, Creative Loafing, Wednesday, January 12, 2011)
Nudists want new sheds (Halifax Evening Courier, Tuesday, January 11, 2011)
Nudist group sues to stop public gun range north of Sultan (Noah Haglund, The Daily Herald, Everett, Washington, Tuesday, January 11, 2011)
No Pants Subway Ride 2011 Bares 3,500 Bottoms in New York (Brian Willett, Bloginity, Monday, January 10, 2011)
Nudity and privacy (New Straits Times, Sunday, January 9, 2011)
Nude wedding photos: Bad morals (April, New Straits Times, Saturday, January 8, 2011)
Nude wedding photos: It's no different than porn (Mrs Ong, New Straits Times, Saturday, January 8, 2011)
Nude wedding photos: Raw beauty (Roy Da, , Saturday, January 8, 2011)
Nude wedding photos: Don't lose sense of shame (K.T. Mara, New Straits Times, Saturday, January 8, 2011)
Naturists find freedom at Nelson club (Anna Pearson, The Nelson Mail via Stuff, Saturday, January 8, 2011)
Pants-Free Pranksters to Take Over Metro (Olsen Ebright, NBC Washington, Friday, January 7, 2011)
Naked Man in 'Dr. Phil House' Fails to Help Women Feel Better (Callie Miller, LAist, Friday, January 7, 2011)
Case over Dr. Phil's nude man moves ahead (Greg Hardesty, The Orange County Register, Friday, January 7, 2011)
Council rejects concerns over nudist beach (Roslyn Hidding, Weekend Courier, Friday, January 7, 2011)
Grueling cyclocross has a relaxed vibe — that includes some of its choices for race venues (Sam McManis, Sacramento Bee, Thursday, January 6, 2011)
Humans First Wore Clothing 170,000 Years Ago (Jennifer Viegas, Discovery, Thursday, January 6, 2011)
Strong results for naturist park (Sun Live, Thursday, January 6, 2011)
Spending Your Holiday In The Nude "Very Relaxing" (Voxy News, Wednesday, January 5, 2011)
Natural win for Carly Udy (Bay of Plenty Times, Wednesday, January 5, 2011)
Business of the Week: Frog's Hot Tubs (Robin Collins, San Anselmo-Fairfax Patch, Tuesday, January 4, 2011)
ABC avoids $1.2 million fine over 'NYPD Blue' scene showing nude woman's backside (Scott Shifrel, NY Daily News, Tuesday, January 4th 2011)
Court Throws Out FCC Fine Against ABC For 'NYPD Blue' (John Eggerton, Broadcasting & Cable, Tuesday, January 4, 2011)
Debate: Appropriate for Kids to Live at a Nudist Colony? (video) (Mark Berman, Opposing Views , Monday, January 3, 2011)
Surrey mistakenly chops cliff-anchoring trees (Sam Cooper, The Province, Monday, January 3, 2011)
Happy Nude Year in Vancouver (Lorna D. Keach, Eden Fantasys, Sunday, January 2, 2011)
Store offers free clothes to semi-nude shoppers (video) (ITN via Yahoo! News, Sunday, January 2, 2011)
Ten nude bathers arrested in Cape (SAPA via News24, Sunday, January 2, 2011)
Hula hooping in the nude can help you lose lots of weight (ANI via New Kerala, Saturday, January 1, 2011)


Rui Martins,  President of the FPN (Federação Portuguesa Naturismo), advises us that as from 28th February 2011 Portugal has acquired its seventh official naturist beach on Desert Island off Faro.

This beach is located in the Algarve region and is accessed by boat from the pier of the New Gate in the city of Faro.

This uninhabited, pristine island is unique in the Algarve. There is a restaurant on the “textile” beach.
For more information, visit the website at

Friday, March 4, 2011


Club Origan
A l'occasion de ces 30 ans et via l'agence de voyages Mondial Naturisme, 30 séjours d'une semaine à gagner ! A vos claviers !
Pour jouer
: HTTP://
Randonnée d'été avec le CS Montagne

Du samedi 13 août au samedi 20 août : La Gournière.
Randonnée pédestre en étoile (sac allégé) pour marcheur ayant une bonne condition physique au hameau des Gourniers, village de Réallon, situé au-dessus du lac de Serre Ponçon entre Embrun et Chorges (à l'orée du parc des Ecrins). Au programme : col de la Coupa, Piolit, Col de la Règue et de la Gardette, le Moure Froid et le pic Morgon. Avec retour au gîte chaque soir.

Rens et inscription au : 01 42 41 50 55

Croisière naturiste au Canada : une première !

Le dimanche 19 juin 2011
A l'initiative de la Fédération naturiste Québécoise (FQN), la croisière se déroulera sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent sur un navire de 3 étages pouvant accueillir jusqu'à 400 passagers. A noter que le 19 juin, c'est aussi la journée mondiale du naturisme.

Rens :

Rencontre Internationale "Jeunes" à la Sablière

Du 1er au 5 juin 2011

Rens :

Du changement à Montalivet ou "Monta" pour les intimes

Image Montalivet

Le 21 février dernier, le groupe Sétois Proméo (Promoteur de résidence de tourisme de plein air) a annoncé lundi la reprise de trois sites de vacances dont deux dédiés au naturisme, parmi lesquel celui de Montalivet. L'autre, le Domaine de la Genèse est situé à Méjannes le Clap dans le Gard.

Le troisième site, l'Atlantic Club de Montalivet construit dans les années 60, est un village vacances "non naturiste". Des travaux vont débuter avant l'été afin de réaménager et rénover le site pour une ouverture dès la saison 2012.

Le groupe affirme qu'avec un total de 16.000 emplacements exploités sous la marque "Village Center" en 2011, il est "aujourd'hui le premier groupe européen de l'hôtellerie de plein air".

Bien entendu, nous leur souhaitons la bienvenue et le fait qu'une société historique et emblématique comme la Socnat soit aujourd'hui adossée à un grand groupe nous semble à l'évidence porteur d'avenir aussi bien par les techniques de gestion que des capacités de développement.

Le Mans - du 18 au 20 mars : Respirez la Vie (développement durable, tourisme vert et solidaire, alimentation bio, artisanat, bien-être, énergies renouvelables, etc.)
C'est la 6ème édition de cet événement dédié à l'alimentation, l'habitat et au style de vie. 170 exposants pour aider les citoyens et les consommateurs au quotidien.
Au programme : conférences, espaces de démonstrations et ateliers.
Rens : HTTP://

Paris (Parc Floral Paris 12ème) - d
u 18 au 21 mars : Vivre Autrement (éthic, chic et bio : développement durable, alimentation bio, artisanat, bien-être, énergies renouvelables, écoproduits, jardin, déco, etc.)
24ème édition. 430 exposants, 50 ateliers pratiques et créatifs, conférences et kiosque à idées.
Rens : HTTP://

Toulouse - d
u 25 au 27 mars : Vivez Nature (agriculture bio, produits naturels du Sud-Ouest).
A noter, la présence importante du mouvement slow-food (le plaisir de manger tout en apprenant à redécouvrir la richesse des recettes et des saveurs, à reconnaître la diversité des lieux de production et des producteurs, à respecter le rythme des saisons, etc.).
Rens : HTTP://


Cartes et licences d’accès
ce qu’il faut savoir

La licence naturiste est « inventée » par Albert Lecocq pour financer l’émergence du naturisme et mettre en place une représentation. Mais, nous sommes dans une époque où le naturisme est dans la quasi clandestinité et il fait l'objet de poursuites judiciaires assez facilement. Les temps ont changé. Aujourd’hui, le naturisme a droit de cité au Ministère du Tourisme et le Club Français du Naturisme s’inscrit dans les actions officielles de Atout France au Ministère du Tourisme.
Les Clubs sont le plus souvent devenus des campings commerciaux de loisirs, à caractère naturiste, bien sûr et plus personne ne s’offusque de leur existence. Bien au contraire car, par l’importance de son audience, le naturisme est bien présent avec des retombées socio-économiques conséquentes, en particulier pour certaines régions : Nord-Médoc en Gironde, Cap d’agde en Languedoc-Roussillon, etc.
Aujourd’hui, la majorité des terrains qui accueillent du public n’exige plus de carte ou de licence comme en témoignent les informations émanant des sites internet des intéressés, reprises et confirmées par les guides existants. Toutefois, un certain nombre persiste.
Les deux principaux cas :
1. Le site naturiste accueillant du public est régi par une structure associative. Dans ce cas, il peut éventuellement et sous certaines conditions exiger une carte d’accès car il réserve ses emplacements et l’accès à ses activités à ses adhérents.
2. Le Centres de Vacances est une structure à caractère commercial et, dans ce cas, aucune carte ni aucune licence ne peut être légalement exigée, même au prétexte qu’un quelconque règlement intérieur qui, de toute façon, émane du centre.
Le point de vue de la loi :
Code de la consommation, version consolidée au 8 mai 2010
  • Partie législative
  • Livre Ier : Information des consommateurs et formation des contrats.
  • Titre II : Pratiques commerciales.
  • Chapitre II : Pratiques commerciales illicites.
Section 1 : Refus et subordination de vente ou de prestation de services.
Article L122-1
Modifié par Ordonnance n°2009-866 du 15 juillet 2009 - art. 16
Il est interdit de refuser à un consommateur la vente d'un produit ou la prestation d'un service, sauf motif légitime, et de subordonner la vente d'un produit à l'achat d'une quantité imposée ou à l'achat concomitant d'un autre produit ou d'un autre service ainsi que de subordonner la prestation d'un service à celle d'un autre service ou à l'achat d'un produit.
Cette disposition s'applique à toutes les activités visées au dernier alinéa de l'article L. 113-2.
Pour les établissements de crédit, les établissements de paiement et les organismes mentionnés à l'article L. 518-1 du code monétaire et financier, les règles relatives aux ventes subordonnées sont fixées par le 1 du I de l'article L. 312-1-2 du même code.

Il n’y a pas d’organisme officiel de représentation du naturisme en France. Libre à chaque usager de choisir la carte qui lui convient le mieux en fonction des critères affichés. Les deux sont légales.

Les principales cartes
Carte ONE (Organisation Naturiste Européenne)
Son prix : 17 euros

Droits/Avantages : un abonnement de deux numéros au Magazine La Vie au Soleil, Naturisme Information + le Guide "Vacances naturistes en France et ailleurs" 2011, publication d’annonces gratuites sur le site Internet, accès à un service de médiation (facilitation et résolution des échanges en cas de conflit).
Carte FFN
Son prix : 26 euros

Droits/Avantages : marquer une appartenance au mouvement naturiste, s’engager à pratiquer un naturisme conforme aux principes définis par la fédération naturiste internationale, soutenir financièrement le mouvement naturiste organisé qui a permis la création des centres de vacances.

Ecrivez-nous !

Satisfait, mécontent 

d’un lieu, d’un service, d’un équipement  ? Faites-le savoir !

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Publimag - 55 rue du Jardin Public


Vous participerez ainsi à améliorer le naturisme et les offres proposées.

La Vie au Soleil, Naturisme Informations

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