
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Naturista meghivó programokkal


Március 6-án vasárnap   15h-tól - 18h-ig   vasárnapi szauna összejövetelünkön  a Hotel Palota City-ben,,  Budapest, XV. Régi Fóti út. 59. a Napóra Klub szervezésében.lesz a  naturista  farsang (2), testfestés , tombola .A jelentkezést szívesen fogadjuk. Barátainkat szeretettel várjuk !   

Naturista üdvözlettel:

Tel/fax  +1 340-6097, mobil  +36 20 9428265  
Napóra Klub , Budapest , H-1138 Tomori utca 23.   
Szja 1% felajánláshoz adószámunk  19010997-1-41 

Kedves  Naturista Barátunk,

Csatolva küldöm a  Balatontourist  felajánlását a  farsangi bálra.  Balatonakaliban a  Levendula  naturista kempingnyitó rendezvény április 29 – május 1.-i hétvége  között lesz. Erre 2 mobilházat, 2 bérelhető lakókocsit tudnak nekünk fenntartani. A napi árak a következők:Mobilház max. 6 fő részére 7.500.-Ft/éj/mobilház    Bérlakókocsi max. 4 fő részére 5.000.-Ft/éj/lakókocsi   Sátrazóknak a napi díj 850.-Ft/fő/éj 14 éves kor felett, gyerekeknek (14 éves korig) pedig 650.-   Ft/fő/éj. Ezekben az árakban nincs benne az idegenforgalmi adó. Várjuk szíves visszajelzéseteket az időponttal kapcsolatban, ill. ha már tudjuk a pontos létszámot, hogy mindkét mobilházat, és mindkét lakókocsit kérjük-e. 

A Napóra Klub programjában közös utazás, bogrács, szaunázás, balatoni fürdőzés, futás, strandröplabda és asztalitenisz szerepel.

A bálunkhoz  a Balatontourist Zrt jó szórakozást kíván,  és üdvözletét küldi az egész csapatnak !

Thursday, February 17, 2011


We are open and everyone is having a great time! 
Great food, Relaxing environment,1000ft white sand beach-Premium Bar-
N Resort is the ultimate all-inclusive Naturist Getaway in the Caribbean!

Please see below the 5th Night Free Promotions for the N Resort. Pay for 4 and stay for 5 Night, Pay for 8, Stay for 10!!!

Travel period: 1/13/2011-12/15/2011
Booking Date: January 13-March 30,2011
Minimum of 4 nights stay
Not combinable with any other promotion
Applicable to new bookings only
Applicable during holiday periods

See you soon!!!

Best Regards,
Trishawana Davidson
Assistant Sales Manager
N Resort
Oyster Bay, Trelawny

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Hi again Angelos:

This is a message I sent out to many people today with a link to my new blog. I apologize for poor quality of the blog, but it is better than nothing. Hope you are well.


My name is Richard Spacer and I wish to announce the recent formation of Kauai Naturists. We are a political and social non-landed naturist group on the “Garden Island” of Kauai, Hawaii, USA. I am a member of The Naturist Society. We have applied to The Naturist Society for Kauai Naturists to be included in The Network of clubs and groups that TNS maintains.

The blog is a work in progress. We are still choosing a logo and understand we need to add photos and more color. We will. Our goal in the short-term is to get an information portal up and running.

Naturists on Kauai, especially at traditionally nude Larsen's Beach in particular, have been harassed by a cattle rancher named Bruce Laymon and his family and employees. They have stated to beachgoers several things. One is their intent to run the Caucasians off the beach. Other things said are fencing off a traditional beach access trail, a project that has started, is intended to stop gays, naturists and campers from accessing the public beach! It seems difficult to imagine things like this being said in 2011!

Besides inviting you to read this blog, this message serves as a “heads up” to the organized naturist community. Kauai Naturists may need your help if tensions escalate. If they do, I will contact Bob Morton of The Naturist Action Committee, and Allen Bayliss at the same time, and ask for an Alert or other advice as The Naturist Action Committee deems appropriate.

Please enjoy the blog and email me if you have any questions or concerns.

Mahalo (thank you)

Richard Spacer

President of Kauai Naturists
Kauai, Hawaii, USA

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Haulover Beach America’s Favorite Clothing Optional Playground includes 2010 World Record Skinny Dip
Genre: Documentary, colour
Language: English
Country: U.S.A.
Location: Haulover Beach, North Miami, FL: Haulover Experience & Haulover History
Format: DVD, NTSC
Company: South Florida Free Beaches, Inc.
Region: 1

No. of Discs: 1
Year of Production: 2010
Running Time: 0:29:16 ( 0:16:01 + 0:14:15)
Price: USD 14.95 + p&p
Entry No.: 2011004

Entry Date: 9th February 2011


30 minutes of clothing optional fun and information for planning a trip to Haulover Clothing Optional Beach, the 2010 World Record Skinnydip (July 10, 2010) with 748 participants, interviews with beach founders, the history of Haulover and lots of beach fun and action.

Persons interviewed are Norma and Rich, Beach Ambassadors, Nicky Hofman, administrative director of the TNS, and Shirley Mason of the founders of this beach on July 17, 1991.

The beach has been very popular with holidaymakers, tourists and local people, with over 1.300.000 visitors annually; it also has boosted  the local economy of Miami Dade County.  One of the most successful public nude beaches all over the world thanks to untiring efforts of dedicated leaders of South Fliorida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Asdsociation.

Highly recommended!


ISBN-13: N/A
Editor: Michael Kush
Title: Guidebook to the Naturist Beach
Language: English
Place of Publication: Miami Shores, FL
Publisher: South Florida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Association
Year of Publication: 2010
Format: 138x215mm (trimmed)
Pages: 20 single and full colour including colour covers
Illustrations: 21 colour and black & white pictures and sketches  by David Baum, Rob Boyte, Vittorio Buono, James Loewen, Albert Pantaleon, Gray Vanaman, Friends of Gunnison, The Naturist Society, and Edna Vollmers
Binding: Saddle-stapled brochure in colour printed wrappers
Weight: 35gr.
Price: USD 1.00
Entry No.: 2011005
Entry Date: 9th February 2011


(1) What Is Naturism?
(2) Haulover Park Rules & Naturist Etiquette
(3) South Florida Free Beaches / Florida Naturist Association, Inc.
(5) Meet The Skinny-Dippers
(7) Naturism: Answers To Opponents
(10) A Special Freedom: Women & Naturism
(14) A Brief Florida Naturist History
(16) Help Us Protect The Future Of Naturism

Saturday, February 5, 2011


N-Resort is excited to announce its 5th Night Free Promotion!!

Please see below  details for the 5th Night Free Promotions:

 Pay for 4 and stay for 5 Nights!! Stay for 10 Pay for 8!!!
  1. Travel period: 1/13/2011-12/15/2011
  2. Booking Date: January 13-March 30,2011
  3. Minimum of 4 nights stay
  4. Not combinable with any other promotion
  5. Applicable to new bookings only
  6. Applicable during holiday Periods


The Naturist Community Management Legacy of Pinhas Barak invites all naturists around the world to a naturist event on Thursday, 24th February 2011 from 19:00 until 1:00am.

The event will be held at Hamei Ga'ash <>
hot springs spa near Tel Aviv in Israel. We will spend our time around the pools, singing, dancing, swimming andcelebrating  birthdays.

Hamei Ga'ash <>  has both outdoor and indoor pools and also includes hot tubs, thermal showers, saunas and dressing rooms.
The hamburger stand and cafe will be open.
If you would like to join the naturists of Israel at this event please register at the following link:
The next event will be held on Thursday, 31st March, 2011, for a winter time meeting in Hamei Ga'ash <>  hot springs spa near Tel Aviv in Israel.The event will begin at 19:00 and last until 1:00 am

A further event will be held at the same place on Thursday, 28th April, 26th May, 23rd June, 1st September, 6th October, 10th November and 8th December 2011 from 19:00 until 1:00 am.
If you would like to join the naturists of Israel at next event pleaseregister at the following link:

Giora Eser
Operations Manager of the Naturist Community Legacy of Pinhas Barak


Our new site for naturism welcomes you!