**********************************************************************Copyright 2010 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is responsible for its content. Permission is granted for the posting, forwarding or redistribution of this message, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.
DATE: November 23, 2010
SUBJECT: California
TO: Naturists and other concerned citizens
Dear Naturist,
This is an Action Alert from the Naturist Action Committee. NAC is asking for your immediate involvement in an effort to have the State of California create officially designated areas for clothing-optional recreation in state parks.
CALIFORNIA STATE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSIONThe California State Park and Recreation Commission is NOT the same thing as the State Parks and Recreation Department. The Commission has specific authorities and responsibilities which are defined in California law. Those include the approval of general plans for units of the State Park System, classifying units of the System, establishing general policies for the guidance of the Director of State Parks in the administration, protection and development of the System, and recommending to the Director a comprehensive recreation policy for the state.
As allowed by law, NAC and its allies have submitted a petition asking that portions of specified state parks be set aside for clothing-optional recreation. The State Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) has simply ignored the properly submitted petition.
Meanwhile, since DPR has chosen to make selective termination of the longstanding Cahill Policy, there is presently no statewide or comprehensive policy that addresses the responsible nude use of portions of state park units.
NAC is looking for the State Park bureaucracy to assert some leadership. The Commission has the authority and the responsibility to establish general policy and to recommend policy to DPR, and that’s what NAC is seeking.
ACTION 1: ATTEND COMMISSION’S PUBLIC MEETING ON DECEMBER 10 If you’re in the southern California area, NAC requests that you attend a public meeting of the State Park and Recreation Commission that is scheduled to be held in San Diego on Friday, December 10, 2010.
DATE: Friday, December 10, 2010
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
Old Town Theatre
4040 Twiggs Street
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park
San Diego, California
Members of the public will have the opportunity to give brief statements. But whether you speak or not, your presence is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to lend support to the message of naturists.
We seek the setting aside of areas for clothing-optional recreation in State Park units.
There are few items on the December 10 meeting agenda, and the meeting is likely to move quickly. Please plan to be at the the Old Town Theatre no later than a half hour before the meeting starts.
If you’re planning to attend the meeting, please contact:
NAC board member Allen Baylis
(714) 962-0915
or NAC executive director Bob Morton
(512) 282-6621
ACTION 2: WRITE TO THE COMMISSIONIf you’re unable to attend the meeting, you can still help. NAC asks that you write to the Commission. Send your comments by e-mail, fax or surface mail. Those who will be at the meeting on December 10 are also encouraged to write.
NAC is requesting ALL NATURISTS and other concerned individuals to contact California officials on this important matter, regardless of your place of residence. California understands the importance of out-of-state visitors who come to enjoy the state’s beaches, lakes and streams. The opportunity to provide diverse recreational opportunities applies to those visitors, as well as to California residents. While all are encouraged to make their voices heard, the participation of Californians is, of course, particularly important.
Send a letter, a fax or an e-mail. Phone calls will likely be ineffective in this specific context.
California State Park & Recreation Commission
P.O. Box 942896
Sacramento, CA 94296
FAX: (916) 654-6374
Louis Nastro, Assistant to the Commission
E-MAIL: LNastro@parks.ca.gov
Send a copy to:
California Department of Natural Resources
Natural Resources Agency
1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311
Sacramento, CA 95814
FAX: (916) 653-8102
E-MAIL: secretary@resources.ca.gov
NAC encourages you to send copies of your faxes and paper mail to:
NAC, P.O. Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903.
Send copies of your e-mails to:
When you write:
a) Be polite.
b) Be known. Give your name and address. If you are a California resident or a frequent visitor to California, be sure to point that out. Anonymous letters have very little impact.
c) Be focused. Keep your correspondence brief and on target.
d) Be positive. Remember that we’re trying to ENCOURAGE the Parks Department to do something. Please do not take a scolding tone.
e) Be clear. Say that you SUPPORT the petition asking for designation of clothing-optional areas in units of the State Park System.
Additional writing points:
a) This is NOT just about San Onofre State Beach. Although that beach was the first State Park unit at which DPR has killed its policy for managing clothing-optional recreation, it will not be the last. The present lack of a comprehensive statewide policy threatens ALL clothing-optional areas in California State Park units. Consider the implications for Black’s (Torrey Pines), Gaviota, Bonny Doon and many others.
b) For thirty years, the Department’s Cahill Policy allowed a means to manage for clothing-optional recreation in units of the State Park system. The nullification of the Cahill Policy has left the department with no statewide policy to address a form of recreation that’s obviously popular with the public. The submitted petition proposes a specific way to address the management of clothing-optional recreation.
c) Officials of the Parks and Rec Department have pointed to lewd behavior as a reason for prohibiting nudity. In doing so, they have confused simple nudity with lewd behavior. Rangers presently have the authority and responsibility to stop lewd activity, and naturists encourage them to exercise that responsibility appropriately. However, that specific authority is separate and different from the legal authority the Parks Department has to establish areas for clothing-optional recreation.
Additional information and links are available, along with this NAC Action Alert on the web site of the Naturist Action Committee.
Select "Alerts" and find this NAC Action Alert under Current Alerts.
The Naturist Action Committee is the volunteer nonprofit political adjunct to The Naturist Society. NAC exists to advance and protect the rights and interests of naturists throughout North America. Fighting for the clothing-optional recreational use of public land is expensive. To do its job, NAC relies entirely on the voluntary generosity of supporters like you.
After you've contacted the officials on the list, please take a moment to send a donation to:
PO Box 132
Oshkosh, WI 54903
Or call toll free (800) 886-7230 to donate by phone using your MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Or use your credit card to make a convenient online donation: www.naturistaction.org/donate/
Thank you for choosing to make a difference!
Allen Baylis
Naturist Action Committee
Naturist Action Committee (NAC) - PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903
Executive Dir. Bob Morton - execdir@naturistaction.org
Board Member Allen Baylis - rab@baylislaw.com
Online Rep. Dennis Kirkpatrick - naturist@sunclad.com
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-9280520
Writer: Ina Zweiniger-Bargelowska
Title: Managing the Body
Subtitle: Beauty, Health, and Fitness in Britain 1880-1939
Language: English
Place of Publication: London
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year of Publication: 2010
Format: 234x158x28mm
Pages: 408
Binding: Hardcover in single colour dust jacket
Weight: N/A
Writer: Ina Zweiniger-Bargelowska
Title: Managing the Body
Subtitle: Beauty, Health, and Fitness in Britain 1880-1939
Language: English
Place of Publication: London
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year of Publication: 2010
Format: 234x158x28mm
Pages: 408
Binding: Hardcover in single colour dust jacket
Weight: N/A
Managing the Body explores the emergence of modern male and female bodies within the context of debates about racial fitness and active citizenship in Britain from the 1880s until 1939. It analyses the growing popularity of hygienic regimen or body management such as dietary restrictions, exercise, sunbathing, dress reform, and birth control to cultivate beauty, health, and fitness. These bodily disciplines were advocated by a loosely connected group of life reform and physical culture promoters, doctors, and public health campaigners against the background of rapid urbanization, the rise of modern lifestyles, a proliferation of visual images of beautiful bodies, and eugenicist fears about racial degeneration. The author shows that body management was an essential aspect of the campaign for national efficiency before 1914. The modern nation state needed physically efficient, disciplined citizens and the promotion of hygienic practices was an integral component of the Edwardian welfare reforms. Anxieties about physical deterioration persisted after the First World War, as demonstrated by the launch of new pressure groups that aimed to transform Britain from a C3 to an A1 nation. These military categories became a recurrent metaphor throughout the interwar years and the virtuous habits of the healthy and fit A1 citizen were juxtaposed with those of the C3 anti-citizen, whose undisciplined lifestyle was attributed to ignorance and lack of self-control. Practices such as vegetarianism, nudism, and men's dress reform were utopian and appealed only to a small minority, but sunbathing, hiking, and keep-fit classes became mainstream activities and they were promoted in the National Government's 'National Fitness Campaign' of the late 1930s.
This book will be added to the Library in early 2011.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Title: Naturist Holidays 2010
Subtitle: Caribbean Islands, Canary Islands, Croatia, Florida, France, Greece, Mexico, Spain
Language: English
Place of Publication: Swanley, Kent
Publisher: Peng Travel Limited
Year of Publication: 2009
Format: 210x297mm (trimmed)
Pages: 88 duotone printed on glossy paper including varnished colour covers
Illustrations: 276 colour pictures, 28 sketch-maps and 42 duotone tables supplied by 12+ photographers and companies
Binding: Saddle-stapled
Weight: 292gr.
Entry no.: 2010027
Date of Entry: 17th November 2010
Subtitle: Caribbean Islands, Canary Islands, Croatia, Florida, France, Greece, Mexico, Spain
Language: English
Place of Publication: Swanley, Kent
Publisher: Peng Travel Limited
Year of Publication: 2009
Format: 210x297mm (trimmed)
Pages: 88 duotone printed on glossy paper including varnished colour covers
Illustrations: 276 colour pictures, 28 sketch-maps and 42 duotone tables supplied by 12+ photographers and companies
Binding: Saddle-stapled
Weight: 292gr.
Entry no.: 2010027
Date of Entry: 17th November 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
On this Friday, the 5th of November 2010, more than 260 people met in the Youth Hostel in Zurich for this competition the federations are always waiting for. Becauset here were not enough rooms available here, several people had to be lodged in a nearby hotel.
In all, there were 180 swimmers and 80 accompanists present, organizers not included. It’s been a long time since we were so numerous, maybe it’s due to the centrallocation of this city within Europe?
In this group, there were about 30 Spaniards, 30 Frenchmen, 20 Italians, 50 Germans, 20 Dutch, 2 Belgians, 8 Swiss and 1 Swede present. A fine selection of naturist people; they were mentioned on the first page of the Swiss newspaper “Züricher Tagesanzeiger”.
Like always, there were many medals during the whole Saturday, because thismeeting has such a stressed rhythm to handle hundreds of swimming contests between 10 and 17 hours.
Fortunately, the amount of swimmers is self limited; otherwise we should plan 2 or 3 days to carry out such an event. During the whole Gala evening, the organizers were thanked very much with applause and gifts from the represented federations. Tony, the photographer on duty, has immortalized these unforgettable Gala evening moments on a CD and handed one over to each responsible for free. Great Thanks also to the Swiss Federation, to Edith as president and Bernadette as secretary, who almost quartered themselves to insure that everything could go well.
Thanks are entitled likewise to those who prepared the meals as well as those who embellished and shielded the swimming pool, those who waited for us at the railway station, the timekeepers, the pool attendants, the whole Swiss crew and all the participants, accompanists or swimmers.
For 2011, we are expecting several candidatures, the selection will be difficult and you will see the name of the selected candidate on the homepage: www.inf-fni.org andyou will also be informed by EuNatCom.
Responsible for sport and leisure events of Eunat.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Kedves MNE Tagtársaink!
Tisztelt Naturista Barátaink!
A Magyar Naturisták Egyesülete ( MNE ) 2010. október 25.-i rendkívüli küldöttközgyűlése elsöprő többséggel úgy határozott,biztosítja a szükséges pénzügyi feltételeket, és garanciákat annak érdekében,hogy az MNE tagjai a továbbiakban is a jelenlegi helyeiken maradhassanak az V. tónál.
A kempingben tovább nyaralásunk érdekében:
- Aláírtuk 2010.10.28.-án a bérleti előszerződést a D5H és a NOKft között.
- Benyújtottuk aláírásra a Délegyházi Önkormányzathoz a már kitárgyalt 2011.-évre szóló tóhasználati és együttműködési szerződést…
Naturista üdvözlettel:
Medgyesi József ügyvezető
D5H.Kft. és aktiv segítői képviseletében
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The meaning of the name Dead Sea in Hebrew is Yam HaMelach, “Sea of Salt”, also called the Salt Sea. It is a salt lake that borders Jordan to the east and Israel to the west. Its surface and shores are 422 metres below sea level, the lowest elevation on the earth's surface on dry land.
The Dead Sea is 378 m deep, the deepest hyper saline lake in the world. It is also one of the world's saltiest bodies of water, with 33.7% salinity.
The Dead Sea water salty is 8.6 times more than the ocean water. This salinity makes for a harsh environment where animals cannot flourish, hence its name. The Dead Sea is 67km long and 18km wide at its widest point. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, and its main tributary is the Jordan River.
The Dead Sea is 378 m deep, the deepest hyper saline lake in the world. It is also one of the world's saltiest bodies of water, with 33.7% salinity.
The Dead Sea water salty is 8.6 times more than the ocean water. This salinity makes for a harsh environment where animals cannot flourish, hence its name. The Dead Sea is 67km long and 18km wide at its widest point. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, and its main tributary is the Jordan River.
In autumn, winter and spring we like to spend our time on the naturist beach in the Dead Sea; the name of the beach is Neve Midbar and the meaning in Hebrew is Oasis Beach. Neve Midbar Beach is located 40 km east of Jerusalem approximately 35-minute drive via highway no. 1 East.
In July, August and sometimes in September it is very difficult to enjoy the Dead Sea, because the weather is very hot in this region; the average temperature is 40⁰C.
Alternatively, we spend our spare time at Ga'ash Beach, located 22km north of Tel Aviv.
We usually gather at the beach on Saturdays or holidays, happy and of course naked. There are naturists who like to smear black mud over their bodies, a refreshing and healthy practice. By applying black mud to our bodies it makes the skin soft and gentle. Quite a few naturists eat and drink while others enjoy the glassy sea, and few have a friendly chat with each other. The ambience on the naturist beach is very good and the weather also fine. That's the reason why we frequent this beach by spending there almost every Saturday.
During the cold winter of Jerusalem the weather in Neve Midbar Beach is very pleasant most winter days. The average temperature in the wintertime is around 25⁰C.
The Israeli Naturist Community, a full member of the International Naturist Federation since 2001, welcomes foreign naturists warmly all over the world at their pristine naturist beach. Guests are invited to attend their meetings.
Giora Eser
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