Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
ISBN-13: 978-3-7956-0317-5
Editorial Board: Jana Güttler, Jochen Müller, Valeska Roller, Tom Lense
Title: FKK Reiseführer Europa 2011
Subtitle: Die besten Anlagen ● Die schönsten Strände ● FKK-Campingplätze ● FKK-Clubanlagen ● FKK-Strände ● FKK-Organisationen
Affiliation: DFK Offizieller Reiseführer
Foreword: Kurt Fischer, DFK-Präsident
Language: German
Edition: 8th Edition
Place of Publication: Plüderhausen
Publisher: Drei Brunnen Verlag
Year of Publication: 2011
Format: 126x206mm (trimmed)
Pages: 352 colour and duotone printed on matt paper
Illustrations: 35 colour plates and pictures by Magazine Nat’Info, France
Front Cover Photo: Mauritius Images/Photolibrary
Maps: 20 duotone by cartomedia, Karlsruhe
Binding: Paperback in laminated colour covers (folded back cover)
Weight: 554gr.
Price: €10.00 + P&P
Entry No.: 2010039
Date of Entry: 29th December 2010
Editorial Board: Jana Güttler, Jochen Müller, Valeska Roller, Tom Lense
Title: FKK Reiseführer Europa 2011
Subtitle: Die besten Anlagen ● Die schönsten Strände ● FKK-Campingplätze ● FKK-Clubanlagen ● FKK-Strände ● FKK-Organisationen
Affiliation: DFK Offizieller Reiseführer
Foreword: Kurt Fischer, DFK-Präsident
Language: German
Edition: 8th Edition
Place of Publication: Plüderhausen
Publisher: Drei Brunnen Verlag
Year of Publication: 2011
Format: 126x206mm (trimmed)
Pages: 352 colour and duotone printed on matt paper
Illustrations: 35 colour plates and pictures by Magazine Nat’Info, France
Front Cover Photo: Mauritius Images/Photolibrary
Maps: 20 duotone by cartomedia, Karlsruhe
Binding: Paperback in laminated colour covers (folded back cover)
Weight: 554gr.
Price: €10.00 + P&P
Entry No.: 2010039
Date of Entry: 29th December 2010
(3) Vorwort von Kurt Fischer und FKK-Reiseführer-Redaktion
(4) Die Reservierung
(5) Inhalt
(6) Informationen zu INF, Übersichtskarten und Preisen
(8) Wichtige Informationen
(12) Autobahn- und Straßenbenutzungsgebühren
(14) Alpenpässe – So kommen Sie sicher über die Alpen
(15) Österreich
(30) Belgien
(36) Schweiz
(41) Tschechische Republik
(46) Deutschland
(111) Dänemark
(120) Spanien
(143) Frankreich
(232) Großbritannien
(254) Griechenland
(260) Ungarn
(265) Kroatien
(285) Italien
(295) Luxemburg
(298) Norwegen
(304) Niederlande
(330) Portugal
(336) Schweden
(347) Slowenien
(350) Ortsverzeichnis mit internationalem Länderkennzeichen
(4) Die Reservierung
(5) Inhalt
(6) Informationen zu INF, Übersichtskarten und Preisen
(8) Wichtige Informationen
(12) Autobahn- und Straßenbenutzungsgebühren
(14) Alpenpässe – So kommen Sie sicher über die Alpen
(15) Österreich
(30) Belgien
(36) Schweiz
(41) Tschechische Republik
(46) Deutschland
(111) Dänemark
(120) Spanien
(143) Frankreich
(232) Großbritannien
(254) Griechenland
(260) Ungarn
(265) Kroatien
(285) Italien
(295) Luxemburg
(298) Norwegen
(304) Niederlande
(330) Portugal
(336) Schweden
(347) Slowenien
(350) Ortsverzeichnis mit internationalem Länderkennzeichen
This detailed and well-produced naturist guide in German is a must for all lovers of nude recreation in Europe.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
ISBN-13: N/A
Τitle: Moving Mountains for MS 2011 Calendar
Publisher: Moving Mountains for Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS)
Language: English
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Format: 296x210mm
Sheets: 13 single colour printed on heavy paper including cardboard covers
Illustrations: 13 black and white pictures by
Front Cover Photo:
Βinding: Spiral-twisted wire
Price: GBP 10.00 plus 3.00 p&p
Entry No.: 2010038 Date of Entry: 16th December 2010
Τitle: Moving Mountains for MS 2011 Calendar
Publisher: Moving Mountains for Multiple Sclerosis Society (MS)
Language: English
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Format: 296x210mm
Sheets: 13 single colour printed on heavy paper including cardboard covers
Illustrations: 13 black and white pictures by
Front Cover Photo:
Βinding: Spiral-twisted wire
Price: GBP 10.00 plus 3.00 p&p
Entry No.: 2010038 Date of Entry: 16th December 2010
An art nude calendar set in the Cumbrian landscape. The models are all local women who have MS or are friends and family of an MS sufferer. Profits from the sale of the calendar will be donated to the MS Society in full. Orders can be placed through
A Mum’s Story
My daughter was diagnosed with MS at just 26 and both of our lives were changed forever. After the stages of disbelief, loss and bereavement, all I wanted was to help her but was left feeling helpless. So I decided to fight MS by trying to help those who could help and hope that research could find a cure.
A Daughter’s Story
Each day is different. Sometimes I walk with the aid of a stick, sometimes I don’t. I now cannot walk without pain, in fact I’m in constant pain, but life is still good. I stumble and trip frequently. I cannot hold a pan or a kettle, as my wrists are very weak and painful. I need help with so many silly things, but have an amazing husband and family. Although I have MS, MS does not have me. I do not and will not let it take over and ruing things. Most days are frustrating and hard but I have friends and even enjoy myself… as I said, life is good!
Let us buy their art nude calendar to help them fight their disease!
ISBN-13: 978-3-941538-53-5
Writer: Kurt Reichert
Title: Von Leibeszucht und Lebensschönheit
Subtitle: Bilder aus dem Leben des Bundes für Leibeszucht
Publisher: ZeitReisen-Verlag, Bochum
Preface: Karl Bückmann
Language: German
Year of Publication: 2010
Format: 170x240mm
Pages: 144
Illustrations: 60 AGFA colour plates by the writer, a well-known FKK-photographer of the 1930s
Binding: Printed boards
Price: € 19.95 plus p&p
Weight: 477gr.
Entry No. 2010024
Entry Date: 16th December 2010
This is a new edition of the original one published in 1940 by the Nazi-controlled publishing house Deutsche Leibeszucht.
In 1950, Erik Holm, editor of Sun and Health, purchased the last copies of the original edition and sold them to collectors for USD 3.00 or 20.00 shillings per copy post-paid to any place of the world.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Tervetuloa! Välkommen! Teretulemast! Laipni ludzam! Sveiki atvyke!Velkommen! добро пожаловать! Witajcie! Willkommen! Isten hozott!Welkom! Welcome! Bienvenu! добре дошъл! Benvenuti! καλωσήρθατε! Bienvenidos! Bem-vindo!
Beiliegend erhalten sie eine Einladung zum Naturistenkarneval in Finnland, der vom 4. bis 6. Februar 2011 im Badhotel Yyteri in Pori stattfindet. Es würde uns freuen auch einige Mitglieder aus ihren Ländern hier bei uns empfangen zu können. Herzlich willkommen!
Ci-joint vous recevez une invitation au carnaval des naturistes, qui alieu du 4. au 6. février 2011 à l'hôtel de bains Yyteri à Pori, Finlande. Il serait très joli d'y avoir aussi des membres de vos pays.Soyez bienvenus!
Here is an invitation to the naturist carnival which is from the 4th to the 6th of February 2011 in the spa hotel Yyteri in Pori, Finland.It would be nice to see there also members from your countries!
Beiliegend erhalten sie eine Einladung zum Naturistenkarneval in Finnland, der vom 4. bis 6. Februar 2011 im Badhotel Yyteri in Pori stattfindet. Es würde uns freuen auch einige Mitglieder aus ihren Ländern hier bei uns empfangen zu können. Herzlich willkommen!
Ci-joint vous recevez une invitation au carnaval des naturistes, qui alieu du 4. au 6. février 2011 à l'hôtel de bains Yyteri à Pori, Finlande. Il serait très joli d'y avoir aussi des membres de vos pays.Soyez bienvenus!
Here is an invitation to the naturist carnival which is from the 4th to the 6th of February 2011 in the spa hotel Yyteri in Pori, Finland.It would be nice to see there also members from your countries!
Mit den besten Naturistengrüssen,
Avec nos meilleures salutations naturistes,
Naturist regards,
Janne Känel
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
N - Resort
Oyster Bay Falmouth
Trelawny, Jamaica
Oyster Bay Falmouth
Trelawny, Jamaica
I would like to introduce you to a private new venue for nude vacations.
The setting: Red Cedar cabins - 1000 ft white sand beach - King size beds-
lush tropical gardens - hammocks everywhere and garden benches.
All Inclusive complete with gourmet dining - unlimited premium beverages -
Water slide - hot tub - spa - comfort robes - fitness facilities - kayaking - Snorkeling trips - live local entertainment every night - dancing
Ideal for women and Couples
Opened on November 19, 2010
N-Resort, Oyster Bay, Trelawny, Jamaica
We are looking for your support and to welcome your guests to N Resort.
Trishawana Davidson
Assistant Sales Manager
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
**********************************************************************Copyright 2010 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is responsible for its content. Permission is granted for the posting, forwarding or redistribution of this message, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.
DATE: November 23, 2010
SUBJECT: California
TO: Naturists and other concerned citizens
Dear Naturist,
This is an Action Alert from the Naturist Action Committee. NAC is asking for your immediate involvement in an effort to have the State of California create officially designated areas for clothing-optional recreation in state parks.
CALIFORNIA STATE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSIONThe California State Park and Recreation Commission is NOT the same thing as the State Parks and Recreation Department. The Commission has specific authorities and responsibilities which are defined in California law. Those include the approval of general plans for units of the State Park System, classifying units of the System, establishing general policies for the guidance of the Director of State Parks in the administration, protection and development of the System, and recommending to the Director a comprehensive recreation policy for the state.
As allowed by law, NAC and its allies have submitted a petition asking that portions of specified state parks be set aside for clothing-optional recreation. The State Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) has simply ignored the properly submitted petition.
Meanwhile, since DPR has chosen to make selective termination of the longstanding Cahill Policy, there is presently no statewide or comprehensive policy that addresses the responsible nude use of portions of state park units.
NAC is looking for the State Park bureaucracy to assert some leadership. The Commission has the authority and the responsibility to establish general policy and to recommend policy to DPR, and that’s what NAC is seeking.
ACTION 1: ATTEND COMMISSION’S PUBLIC MEETING ON DECEMBER 10 If you’re in the southern California area, NAC requests that you attend a public meeting of the State Park and Recreation Commission that is scheduled to be held in San Diego on Friday, December 10, 2010.
DATE: Friday, December 10, 2010
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
Old Town Theatre
4040 Twiggs Street
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park
San Diego, California
Members of the public will have the opportunity to give brief statements. But whether you speak or not, your presence is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to lend support to the message of naturists.
We seek the setting aside of areas for clothing-optional recreation in State Park units.
There are few items on the December 10 meeting agenda, and the meeting is likely to move quickly. Please plan to be at the the Old Town Theatre no later than a half hour before the meeting starts.
If you’re planning to attend the meeting, please contact:
NAC board member Allen Baylis
(714) 962-0915
or NAC executive director Bob Morton
(512) 282-6621
ACTION 2: WRITE TO THE COMMISSIONIf you’re unable to attend the meeting, you can still help. NAC asks that you write to the Commission. Send your comments by e-mail, fax or surface mail. Those who will be at the meeting on December 10 are also encouraged to write.
NAC is requesting ALL NATURISTS and other concerned individuals to contact California officials on this important matter, regardless of your place of residence. California understands the importance of out-of-state visitors who come to enjoy the state’s beaches, lakes and streams. The opportunity to provide diverse recreational opportunities applies to those visitors, as well as to California residents. While all are encouraged to make their voices heard, the participation of Californians is, of course, particularly important.
Send a letter, a fax or an e-mail. Phone calls will likely be ineffective in this specific context.
California State Park & Recreation Commission
P.O. Box 942896
Sacramento, CA 94296
FAX: (916) 654-6374
Louis Nastro, Assistant to the Commission
Send a copy to:
California Department of Natural Resources
Natural Resources Agency
1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311
Sacramento, CA 95814
FAX: (916) 653-8102
NAC encourages you to send copies of your faxes and paper mail to:
NAC, P.O. Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903.
Send copies of your e-mails to:
When you write:
a) Be polite.
b) Be known. Give your name and address. If you are a California resident or a frequent visitor to California, be sure to point that out. Anonymous letters have very little impact.
c) Be focused. Keep your correspondence brief and on target.
d) Be positive. Remember that we’re trying to ENCOURAGE the Parks Department to do something. Please do not take a scolding tone.
e) Be clear. Say that you SUPPORT the petition asking for designation of clothing-optional areas in units of the State Park System.
Additional writing points:
a) This is NOT just about San Onofre State Beach. Although that beach was the first State Park unit at which DPR has killed its policy for managing clothing-optional recreation, it will not be the last. The present lack of a comprehensive statewide policy threatens ALL clothing-optional areas in California State Park units. Consider the implications for Black’s (Torrey Pines), Gaviota, Bonny Doon and many others.
b) For thirty years, the Department’s Cahill Policy allowed a means to manage for clothing-optional recreation in units of the State Park system. The nullification of the Cahill Policy has left the department with no statewide policy to address a form of recreation that’s obviously popular with the public. The submitted petition proposes a specific way to address the management of clothing-optional recreation.
c) Officials of the Parks and Rec Department have pointed to lewd behavior as a reason for prohibiting nudity. In doing so, they have confused simple nudity with lewd behavior. Rangers presently have the authority and responsibility to stop lewd activity, and naturists encourage them to exercise that responsibility appropriately. However, that specific authority is separate and different from the legal authority the Parks Department has to establish areas for clothing-optional recreation.
Additional information and links are available, along with this NAC Action Alert on the web site of the Naturist Action Committee.
Select "Alerts" and find this NAC Action Alert under Current Alerts.
The Naturist Action Committee is the volunteer nonprofit political adjunct to The Naturist Society. NAC exists to advance and protect the rights and interests of naturists throughout North America. Fighting for the clothing-optional recreational use of public land is expensive. To do its job, NAC relies entirely on the voluntary generosity of supporters like you.
After you've contacted the officials on the list, please take a moment to send a donation to:
PO Box 132
Oshkosh, WI 54903
Or call toll free (800) 886-7230 to donate by phone using your MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Or use your credit card to make a convenient online donation:
Thank you for choosing to make a difference!
Allen Baylis
Naturist Action Committee
Naturist Action Committee (NAC) - PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903
Executive Dir. Bob Morton -
Board Member Allen Baylis -
Online Rep. Dennis Kirkpatrick -
**********************************************************************Copyright 2010 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is responsible for its content. Permission is granted for the posting, forwarding or redistribution of this message, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.
DATE: November 23, 2010
SUBJECT: California
TO: Naturists and other concerned citizens
Dear Naturist,
This is an Action Alert from the Naturist Action Committee. NAC is asking for your immediate involvement in an effort to have the State of California create officially designated areas for clothing-optional recreation in state parks.
CALIFORNIA STATE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSIONThe California State Park and Recreation Commission is NOT the same thing as the State Parks and Recreation Department. The Commission has specific authorities and responsibilities which are defined in California law. Those include the approval of general plans for units of the State Park System, classifying units of the System, establishing general policies for the guidance of the Director of State Parks in the administration, protection and development of the System, and recommending to the Director a comprehensive recreation policy for the state.
As allowed by law, NAC and its allies have submitted a petition asking that portions of specified state parks be set aside for clothing-optional recreation. The State Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) has simply ignored the properly submitted petition.
Meanwhile, since DPR has chosen to make selective termination of the longstanding Cahill Policy, there is presently no statewide or comprehensive policy that addresses the responsible nude use of portions of state park units.
NAC is looking for the State Park bureaucracy to assert some leadership. The Commission has the authority and the responsibility to establish general policy and to recommend policy to DPR, and that’s what NAC is seeking.
ACTION 1: ATTEND COMMISSION’S PUBLIC MEETING ON DECEMBER 10 If you’re in the southern California area, NAC requests that you attend a public meeting of the State Park and Recreation Commission that is scheduled to be held in San Diego on Friday, December 10, 2010.
DATE: Friday, December 10, 2010
TIME: 9:00 a.m.
Old Town Theatre
4040 Twiggs Street
Old Town San Diego State Historic Park
San Diego, California
Members of the public will have the opportunity to give brief statements. But whether you speak or not, your presence is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to lend support to the message of naturists.
We seek the setting aside of areas for clothing-optional recreation in State Park units.
There are few items on the December 10 meeting agenda, and the meeting is likely to move quickly. Please plan to be at the the Old Town Theatre no later than a half hour before the meeting starts.
If you’re planning to attend the meeting, please contact:
NAC board member Allen Baylis
(714) 962-0915
or NAC executive director Bob Morton
(512) 282-6621
ACTION 2: WRITE TO THE COMMISSIONIf you’re unable to attend the meeting, you can still help. NAC asks that you write to the Commission. Send your comments by e-mail, fax or surface mail. Those who will be at the meeting on December 10 are also encouraged to write.
NAC is requesting ALL NATURISTS and other concerned individuals to contact California officials on this important matter, regardless of your place of residence. California understands the importance of out-of-state visitors who come to enjoy the state’s beaches, lakes and streams. The opportunity to provide diverse recreational opportunities applies to those visitors, as well as to California residents. While all are encouraged to make their voices heard, the participation of Californians is, of course, particularly important.
Send a letter, a fax or an e-mail. Phone calls will likely be ineffective in this specific context.
California State Park & Recreation Commission
P.O. Box 942896
Sacramento, CA 94296
FAX: (916) 654-6374
Louis Nastro, Assistant to the Commission
Send a copy to:
California Department of Natural Resources
Natural Resources Agency
1416 Ninth Street, Suite 1311
Sacramento, CA 95814
FAX: (916) 653-8102
NAC encourages you to send copies of your faxes and paper mail to:
NAC, P.O. Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903.
Send copies of your e-mails to:
When you write:
a) Be polite.
b) Be known. Give your name and address. If you are a California resident or a frequent visitor to California, be sure to point that out. Anonymous letters have very little impact.
c) Be focused. Keep your correspondence brief and on target.
d) Be positive. Remember that we’re trying to ENCOURAGE the Parks Department to do something. Please do not take a scolding tone.
e) Be clear. Say that you SUPPORT the petition asking for designation of clothing-optional areas in units of the State Park System.
Additional writing points:
a) This is NOT just about San Onofre State Beach. Although that beach was the first State Park unit at which DPR has killed its policy for managing clothing-optional recreation, it will not be the last. The present lack of a comprehensive statewide policy threatens ALL clothing-optional areas in California State Park units. Consider the implications for Black’s (Torrey Pines), Gaviota, Bonny Doon and many others.
b) For thirty years, the Department’s Cahill Policy allowed a means to manage for clothing-optional recreation in units of the State Park system. The nullification of the Cahill Policy has left the department with no statewide policy to address a form of recreation that’s obviously popular with the public. The submitted petition proposes a specific way to address the management of clothing-optional recreation.
c) Officials of the Parks and Rec Department have pointed to lewd behavior as a reason for prohibiting nudity. In doing so, they have confused simple nudity with lewd behavior. Rangers presently have the authority and responsibility to stop lewd activity, and naturists encourage them to exercise that responsibility appropriately. However, that specific authority is separate and different from the legal authority the Parks Department has to establish areas for clothing-optional recreation.
Additional information and links are available, along with this NAC Action Alert on the web site of the Naturist Action Committee.
Select "Alerts" and find this NAC Action Alert under Current Alerts.
The Naturist Action Committee is the volunteer nonprofit political adjunct to The Naturist Society. NAC exists to advance and protect the rights and interests of naturists throughout North America. Fighting for the clothing-optional recreational use of public land is expensive. To do its job, NAC relies entirely on the voluntary generosity of supporters like you.
After you've contacted the officials on the list, please take a moment to send a donation to:
PO Box 132
Oshkosh, WI 54903
Or call toll free (800) 886-7230 to donate by phone using your MasterCard, Visa or Discover Card. Or use your credit card to make a convenient online donation:
Thank you for choosing to make a difference!
Allen Baylis
Naturist Action Committee
Naturist Action Committee (NAC) - PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903
Executive Dir. Bob Morton -
Board Member Allen Baylis -
Online Rep. Dennis Kirkpatrick -
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-9280520
Writer: Ina Zweiniger-Bargelowska
Title: Managing the Body
Subtitle: Beauty, Health, and Fitness in Britain 1880-1939
Language: English
Place of Publication: London
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year of Publication: 2010
Format: 234x158x28mm
Pages: 408
Binding: Hardcover in single colour dust jacket
Weight: N/A
Writer: Ina Zweiniger-Bargelowska
Title: Managing the Body
Subtitle: Beauty, Health, and Fitness in Britain 1880-1939
Language: English
Place of Publication: London
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Year of Publication: 2010
Format: 234x158x28mm
Pages: 408
Binding: Hardcover in single colour dust jacket
Weight: N/A
Managing the Body explores the emergence of modern male and female bodies within the context of debates about racial fitness and active citizenship in Britain from the 1880s until 1939. It analyses the growing popularity of hygienic regimen or body management such as dietary restrictions, exercise, sunbathing, dress reform, and birth control to cultivate beauty, health, and fitness. These bodily disciplines were advocated by a loosely connected group of life reform and physical culture promoters, doctors, and public health campaigners against the background of rapid urbanization, the rise of modern lifestyles, a proliferation of visual images of beautiful bodies, and eugenicist fears about racial degeneration. The author shows that body management was an essential aspect of the campaign for national efficiency before 1914. The modern nation state needed physically efficient, disciplined citizens and the promotion of hygienic practices was an integral component of the Edwardian welfare reforms. Anxieties about physical deterioration persisted after the First World War, as demonstrated by the launch of new pressure groups that aimed to transform Britain from a C3 to an A1 nation. These military categories became a recurrent metaphor throughout the interwar years and the virtuous habits of the healthy and fit A1 citizen were juxtaposed with those of the C3 anti-citizen, whose undisciplined lifestyle was attributed to ignorance and lack of self-control. Practices such as vegetarianism, nudism, and men's dress reform were utopian and appealed only to a small minority, but sunbathing, hiking, and keep-fit classes became mainstream activities and they were promoted in the National Government's 'National Fitness Campaign' of the late 1930s.
This book will be added to the Library in early 2011.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Title: Naturist Holidays 2010
Subtitle: Caribbean Islands, Canary Islands, Croatia, Florida, France, Greece, Mexico, Spain
Language: English
Place of Publication: Swanley, Kent
Publisher: Peng Travel Limited
Year of Publication: 2009
Format: 210x297mm (trimmed)
Pages: 88 duotone printed on glossy paper including varnished colour covers
Illustrations: 276 colour pictures, 28 sketch-maps and 42 duotone tables supplied by 12+ photographers and companies
Binding: Saddle-stapled
Weight: 292gr.
Entry no.: 2010027
Date of Entry: 17th November 2010
Subtitle: Caribbean Islands, Canary Islands, Croatia, Florida, France, Greece, Mexico, Spain
Language: English
Place of Publication: Swanley, Kent
Publisher: Peng Travel Limited
Year of Publication: 2009
Format: 210x297mm (trimmed)
Pages: 88 duotone printed on glossy paper including varnished colour covers
Illustrations: 276 colour pictures, 28 sketch-maps and 42 duotone tables supplied by 12+ photographers and companies
Binding: Saddle-stapled
Weight: 292gr.
Entry no.: 2010027
Date of Entry: 17th November 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
On this Friday, the 5th of November 2010, more than 260 people met in the Youth Hostel in Zurich for this competition the federations are always waiting for. Becauset here were not enough rooms available here, several people had to be lodged in a nearby hotel.
In all, there were 180 swimmers and 80 accompanists present, organizers not included. It’s been a long time since we were so numerous, maybe it’s due to the centrallocation of this city within Europe?
In this group, there were about 30 Spaniards, 30 Frenchmen, 20 Italians, 50 Germans, 20 Dutch, 2 Belgians, 8 Swiss and 1 Swede present. A fine selection of naturist people; they were mentioned on the first page of the Swiss newspaper “Züricher Tagesanzeiger”.
Like always, there were many medals during the whole Saturday, because thismeeting has such a stressed rhythm to handle hundreds of swimming contests between 10 and 17 hours.
Fortunately, the amount of swimmers is self limited; otherwise we should plan 2 or 3 days to carry out such an event. During the whole Gala evening, the organizers were thanked very much with applause and gifts from the represented federations. Tony, the photographer on duty, has immortalized these unforgettable Gala evening moments on a CD and handed one over to each responsible for free. Great Thanks also to the Swiss Federation, to Edith as president and Bernadette as secretary, who almost quartered themselves to insure that everything could go well.
Thanks are entitled likewise to those who prepared the meals as well as those who embellished and shielded the swimming pool, those who waited for us at the railway station, the timekeepers, the pool attendants, the whole Swiss crew and all the participants, accompanists or swimmers.
For 2011, we are expecting several candidatures, the selection will be difficult and you will see the name of the selected candidate on the homepage: andyou will also be informed by EuNatCom.
Responsible for sport and leisure events of Eunat.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Kedves MNE Tagtársaink!
Tisztelt Naturista Barátaink!
A Magyar Naturisták Egyesülete ( MNE ) 2010. október 25.-i rendkívüli küldöttközgyűlése elsöprő többséggel úgy határozott,biztosítja a szükséges pénzügyi feltételeket, és garanciákat annak érdekében,hogy az MNE tagjai a továbbiakban is a jelenlegi helyeiken maradhassanak az V. tónál.
A kempingben tovább nyaralásunk érdekében:
- Aláírtuk 2010.10.28.-án a bérleti előszerződést a D5H és a NOKft között.
- Benyújtottuk aláírásra a Délegyházi Önkormányzathoz a már kitárgyalt 2011.-évre szóló tóhasználati és együttműködési szerződést…
Naturista üdvözlettel:
Medgyesi József ügyvezető
D5H.Kft. és aktiv segítői képviseletében
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The meaning of the name Dead Sea in Hebrew is Yam HaMelach, “Sea of Salt”, also called the Salt Sea. It is a salt lake that borders Jordan to the east and Israel to the west. Its surface and shores are 422 metres below sea level, the lowest elevation on the earth's surface on dry land.
The Dead Sea is 378 m deep, the deepest hyper saline lake in the world. It is also one of the world's saltiest bodies of water, with 33.7% salinity.
The Dead Sea water salty is 8.6 times more than the ocean water. This salinity makes for a harsh environment where animals cannot flourish, hence its name. The Dead Sea is 67km long and 18km wide at its widest point. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, and its main tributary is the Jordan River.
The Dead Sea is 378 m deep, the deepest hyper saline lake in the world. It is also one of the world's saltiest bodies of water, with 33.7% salinity.
The Dead Sea water salty is 8.6 times more than the ocean water. This salinity makes for a harsh environment where animals cannot flourish, hence its name. The Dead Sea is 67km long and 18km wide at its widest point. It lies in the Jordan Rift Valley, and its main tributary is the Jordan River.
In autumn, winter and spring we like to spend our time on the naturist beach in the Dead Sea; the name of the beach is Neve Midbar and the meaning in Hebrew is Oasis Beach. Neve Midbar Beach is located 40 km east of Jerusalem approximately 35-minute drive via highway no. 1 East.
In July, August and sometimes in September it is very difficult to enjoy the Dead Sea, because the weather is very hot in this region; the average temperature is 40⁰C.
Alternatively, we spend our spare time at Ga'ash Beach, located 22km north of Tel Aviv.
We usually gather at the beach on Saturdays or holidays, happy and of course naked. There are naturists who like to smear black mud over their bodies, a refreshing and healthy practice. By applying black mud to our bodies it makes the skin soft and gentle. Quite a few naturists eat and drink while others enjoy the glassy sea, and few have a friendly chat with each other. The ambience on the naturist beach is very good and the weather also fine. That's the reason why we frequent this beach by spending there almost every Saturday.
During the cold winter of Jerusalem the weather in Neve Midbar Beach is very pleasant most winter days. The average temperature in the wintertime is around 25⁰C.
The Israeli Naturist Community, a full member of the International Naturist Federation since 2001, welcomes foreign naturists warmly all over the world at their pristine naturist beach. Guests are invited to attend their meetings.
Giora Eser
Sunday, October 24, 2010
For the fifth time in 2010 we held an event for our naturist community.
Everyone came together to enjoy an evening without clothing in the number one spa in Israel.
Everyone came together to enjoy an evening without clothing in the number one spa in Israel.
On this occasion, as in the previous events held before, the naturist community proved that they like the Ga'ash Spa.
I noted the smiles on their face and I received many compliments for setting up such a fun evening.
The 330 naturist members who attended, enjoyed the wet and dry saunas, swimming pools, hot tubs, showers with sulphur thermal water, indoor pool and, of course, the friendly atmosphere.
The café was open and some naturists sat at the tables to enjoy a cup of coffee, a piece of cake and a selection of salads and hamburgers.
The outdoor pool was open, but only a few dozen naturists enjoyed a swim outside, as the weather was somewhat chilly 22⁰ C. Most chose to enjoy the event in and around the indoor pool.
A sound system was set up, as in the previous event, on the stage on the lawn under the sky. Most of the participants enjoyed the pool and relatively few listened to music or danced.
The next event will take place on 4th November 2010.
The lawn and pool area will be closed but we will have dancing and fun inside the main hall.
Giora Eser
Operations Manager of the Naturist Community Legacy of Pinhas Barak Israel
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Dear Sir/Madam,
Good morning/afternoon.
The Cyprus University of Technology carries out a survey on naturists’ profile, behaviour and attitudes in relation to their naturist holidays. We would be very grateful if you would reply to the following questions to the best of your knowledge. All the information provided will be treated in confidence and is to be used only for academic purposes.
Thank you for participating in this study!
Please contact
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Central Committee
Sieglinde Ivo Austria, President
George Volak USA , Vice-President
Mick Ayers GB - E, Committee member – Europe
Barbara Hadley USA , Committee member – overseas
René Nijhof NL ,President of Legal Commission
Armand Ceolin LU, Auditor
Federations represented
Ladislaus Ivo, Austria , 6 votes
Greg Serow , Australia , 7
Paul Lambrechts , Belgium, 14
Jose Antonio Ribeiro Tannus, Brazil , 5
Diane Archambault , Canada, 5
Davorin Zugcic, Croatia , 1
Nancy Volak, Czech Republic, 1
Paul Rethoré , France , 19
Kurt Fischer , Germany, 27
Michael Farrar, Gt. Britain & NI 16
Janos Sandor, Hungary 4
Pat Gallagher, Ireland , 2
Gianfranco Ribolzi, Italy , 10
Jean Peters , Luxembourg, 3
Henk Smeeman, Netherlands, 37
Ken Mercer , New Zealand , 6
Eirik Isene ,Norway, 6
Rui Martins, Portugal, 2
Mikhail Abruzov, Russia, 1
Joze Puz, Slovenia , 3
Ismael Rodrigo, Spain, 7
Eirik Isene , Sweden, 7
Edith Zimmermann, Switzerland, 11
Dean Hadley ,USA, 27
Also present was an observer from Chile, which does not have a federation, member of INF. He was delighted to be given one of our "Nothing's Better" bags.
In opening the meeting the President welcomed delegates and recalled the deaths during the year of, amongst others, Lee Baxandall of the USA freebeach movement. Germany queried the number of votes present, which appeared to be eventually agreed as 227. Scrutineers from Australia and Italy were appointed.
Agenda Germany questioned items in the agenda, but, after discussion, it was agreed that the agenda be accepted.
Theme of the Congress Gianfranco Ribolzi of Italy presented the report. In 1984 respect for others and for the environment had been the definition of naturism. Since then there had been additions. Naturism was healthy, natural, educational and a family movement. A distinction is made between nudism and naturism. There are two current positions, the practice of nudity and ethical nudism. Naturism is a fundamental principle, a removal of ancestral taboos - psychological health, respect for women, removing the mask of hypocrisy, ethical - even utopian. We need to confront the problem of commercial naturism, which has a different vision. Countries have different views of naturism Free naturism is difficult to practise, since special places are needed, which have no services and may be raided, polluted or include unethical behaviour. Commercial naturism provides services consider essential, and naturism cannot afford to reject it. Naturism cannot be inspired by superhuman ethical standards. It must be acceptable and practicable for all. Respecting nature is essential. Commercial sites should be welcome if they attract young people, even though consumerist. They can allow ethical naturism to survive. In the present economic crisis there is no choice but to accept commercial naturism as part of evolution. We must therefore be less dogmatic. Being nude means we are naturists, having a different relationship with the body.
Central Committee report George Volak presented the report. He spoke of the proposal, which might be withdrawn, for an independent organisation within INF. The European federations have 180,000 members, but no more than a thousand participate in youth, sports and family events. Why are we losing members? More people need to be involved. The family week is a good idea, but not if in the same place every year, with probably the same people each year. Sports events should be cancelled and family events held in many places, for instance at holiday centres out of high season. Members could then see what INF does for them. At present there are few funds left for other activities. A discussion followed in which Kurt Fischer emphasised that EUNAT was not in competition with INF. Others spoke of the few member federations outside Europe, but it was pointed out that as well as Brazil, Argentina and Mexico were now with us. Better co-operation with holiday centres was needed, fifteen of which gave some advantages to INF members. The discussion shifted to the need for immediate response to the media, at which point it was terminated.
Financial report Cor van Herp, the Vice-President/Treasurer, had resigned probably for personal reasons rather than as a result of a recent disagreement with the Russian federation. Questions concerning the costs of employees were answered in his place by Armand Ceolin, Auditor. The budget for the next two years was approved.
Legal Commission report René Nijhof had been on the commission for 15 years, and its president for eight years. He was not seeking re-election.
Reports of Federations Reports had been received from Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal and Sweden.
A0. Luxembourg proposed amendment of the statutes to define the position of EUNat in relation to the Central Committee. The C.C. would then have no responsibility for youth, family and sports in Europe, EUNat being the supreme authority of the European INF members and in charge of youth, family and sport in Europe. The motion was presented but withdrawn on the understanding that INF would not meddle with EUNat.
A1. The Central Committee proposed that the seat of the INF be moved from Bonn in Germany to Linz in Austria. This was agreed.
A2. Luxembourg proposed amendment of the statutes to reduce from six to four months the notice required for a motion to amend the statutes. This was agreed.
A3. Switzerland had proposed an amendment of the statutes to prevent a club from applying for membership of another country, but it was not submitted in time and so was withdrawn.
B1. The BN proposal to amend the regulations so that no delegate could speak more than once any motion (except a right of reply for the proposer), was opposed by Germany, since many delegates had not had time to consider a motion and needed to be able to answer points. Canada agreed. Germany said that further discussion was needed after certain times. Belgium agreed. There must be time to express oneself. Luxembourg said that the President should have the right to end a discussion and that did not need to be in rules of procedure. The voting was eventually recorded as 27 for and 202 against with ten abstentions.
B2. Luxembourg proposed that the notice required for motions to amend the regulations be reduced from four to three months. After brief discussion the motion was withdrawn.
C1. Germany proposed that, since INF seemed to have plenty of money, from 2010 40% of contributions from European federations be for European events and that 10% of this sum be at the disposal of EuNatCom on 1st January each year. In discussion some difficulty was felt since there was no Treasurer, but the motion was agreed.
C2. Germany proposed there should be a discount of 3% if fees were paid by federations by 31st March, alternatively that they could be paid in two or three instalments. Since the previous motion had been agreed, this was withdrawn.
C3. Switzerland made proposals about the payment of fees by extraordinary members. Organisations, commercial sites and institutions without club members would pay a membership fee; such organisations etc. with club members would pay also INF stamp contributions, as would also such organisations etc. without any national federation. Clubs with their own national federation would be able to pay a membership fee and INF stamp contribution at least five times the amount billed to ordinary members, half of which would go to the national federation. The object was that a national federation should not suffer if a club showed no interest in engaging in the national federation. In discussion it was pointed out that direct membership of INF (not through a federation) was contrary to the statutes. There was also opposition to the proposal that a club etc. could become a direct member where there was a national federation. The motion was eventually withdrawn.
C4. A proposal by Switzerland for an additional subvention for the INF Swimming Gala 2010 in Switzerland because of the decreasing exchange rate of the Euro was ruled out of order since it concerned the European budget.
C5. A proposal by Switzerland regulating the timetable for payment of contributions to organisers of INF events was also ruled out of order for the same reason.
C6. A proposal by Switzerland concerned the same issue as no.4 above and was deemed to have been solved already.
D1. The Central Committee proposed that, to avoid conflict of interest, a member of an INF commission who holds a separate budget cannot at the same time be a member of the EC or Central Committee. Germany thought the proposal absurd. It seemed to be withdrawn.
D2. Germany proposed that the speaking time of participants in the congress be a maximum two minutes per word contribution amount, this to be controlled by the Chairman. On a vote the motion was agreed by 162 votes to 51, with ten abstentions.
D3. Canada proposed that INF commits itself to the electronic distribution of magazines published by member federations. The proposal followed censorship by Apple of Going Natural/Au Naturel. As part of the same motion Canada proposed that countries might be represented by two federations which (as in Canada) took it in turn to be represented at Congress. Canada explained that Apple did not allow any nudity. In discussion there was doubt whether any country would want to publish on line. There were problems in the USA caused by puritans. It was suggested that the motion be resubmitted at the next Congress. There was no discussion on the second part of the motion, all of which was withdrawn.
At the beginning of the second day, the budget for the next two years was agreed nem. con. This showed a loss in 2010 of 9,000 €, and a surpluses in 2011 of 6,300 € and 7,300 € in 2012. Income from stamps would decrease from 203,000 € in 2010 to 185,000 € in 2011 and in 2012. No future expenditure is planned on an INF Handbook. Total secretarial costs would decrease from 113,600 € in 2010 to 28,500 € in 2011 and 30,500 € in 2012.
Motions (continued)
D4. Ireland proposed that the Central Committee report on progress on making submission to the European Union about standardising laws on the practice of naturism in EU countries. Pat Gallacher looked forward to provision in European law for naturists to have the right to practise their lifestyle without hindrance. Once established in European law it would be a marker for other countries. There might not at present be laws against naturism, but it could be prosecuted under other laws. The subject led to much discussion. Mick Ayers observed that the Treaty of Lisbon allowed any citizens to raise their own legislation, supported by one million signatures from several member countries. It would be a massive task to collect such signatures, but it would be good publicity. Specific legal advice would be needed as well as the support of member federations. The best course would be to approach the EU as a large European group. Such action could, however, alert anti-naturists to oppose us more actively. EU law forbad discrimination, but local laws are used. The President said that naturism was accepted more or less in each country. We should see what was possible in each country. Most speakers supported the principle, though caution was advocated.
D5. Sweden proposed that INF be able, with the consent of the national federation, to accept as members individuals who did not want to become members of their national federation, the membership fee to be well above that charged by the national federation, and some it to be passed on to the federation. [The motion envisaged a general permission by the national federation, not a specific permission for each individual.] After brief discussion the motion was apparently withdrawn.
D6. Sweden proposed that instead of reducing the cost of the INF stamp, the excess money be used for such purposes as conference audio equipment, translators at meetings and travel subsidies for youth and sports events, the cost of INF stamps remaining unchanged for the next five years and the INF budget and budget for European events being decided by Congress. The discussion was almost entirely directed towards provision of conference equipment, rather than the issue of use of “excess money”. The motion was, nevertheless approved by 157 votes to 27 with 32 abstentions.
D7. Switzerland proposed that INF compiles job description for the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Sports Office and Public Relations Officer. The Netherlands proposed (D15) that, to assist candidates, INF draw up profiles of Board positions. These two motions were considered together. Germany pointed out that office holders needed to speak good English. Several other members spoke, some questioning the need for the motion. At the end it was said that it should be considered settled.
D8. The Netherlands proposed that the INF work to achieve stability and/or growth in individual membership, to keep old members and attract ones, and that an action plan be presented to each Congress for doing this. Netherlands said that it was too early to discuss and several other motions and withdrew this and motions D9, D11. D12. D13. D14 and D16.
D10. The Netherlands proposed that INF develop a simple certification system for commercial centres according to naturist criteria (nudity, respect, hospitality) rather than facilities, provided that commercial centres would welcome such a system. Discussion of this item was interrupted by taking group photographs, since the sun was shining, but was not resumed afterwards, being merged in the next item.
1. Sweden proposed certification of naturist resorts and clubs. A discount would be given to all INF members as the price for certification. It would be a benefit for all members wherever they came from. After long discussion the proposal was agreed by 219 votes to nil, with seven abstentions.
1. Sweden proposed certification of naturist resorts and clubs. A discount would be given to all INF members as the price for certification. It would be a benefit for all members wherever they came from. After long discussion the proposal was agreed by 219 votes to nil, with seven abstentions.
2. Spain proposed an INF day without bathing suits, to be complementary to World Naturist Day when many clubs are open to the public. The day without bathing suits would be for both naturists and non-naturists to go without costumes beaches that are not traditionally naturist. Public nudity was no longer an obstacle, e.g. for WNBR, various demonstrations and Tunick events. In most countries it was tolerated so long as limited to an appointed day of celebration. It would be on the third Sunday of July in the northern hemisphere (of February in the southern hemisphere). The proposer had some difficulty in obtaining a vote on this proposal, which was then carried by 143 to 25 with 67 abstentions. [Nudity in public ceased to be a criminal offence in Spain in 1989. A day without costumes seems to have been observed in Tenerife for some years, but its recent observance at the Complutense University swimming pool, Madrid, in August 2010 received much publicity.]
3. France made a group of proposals: that INF should be close to naturists, for a single international credit-card format for membership cards, an international guide in hard copy, boosting the performance of the website, a special issue of the Focus setting out INF achievements, INF to continue exhibiting at the Utrecht Fair, maintaining current leisure, sports and youth activities and reimbursing organising federations, developing naturism and so increasing number of licensed operators. It was explained that INF was not well known. It was important that it was known and recognised through certain actions which have impact on the development of naturism. Germany recalled that a uniform membership card had been discussed since 2004. The President said there was clearly disagreement about a card; there was no money in the budget for the next two years for an INF Guide; a special Focus could be considered. Germany reported that Warlich, the former publisher, was considering a Nudist Guide for Europe. Some members though arrangements at the Utrecht exhibition should have been better, but at least 15,000 people attended. There was no vote.
4. France proposed that naturist nudity should be recognised by European countries. We should work towards a healthy planet, jointly handle achievements and problems, decide actions to be taken by federations, and act against exhibitionism affecting naturists on nude beaches, promoting and upholding the dignity of naturism. Discussion recognised that the proposal largely concerned the situation on the beach at Cap d'Agde. The Mayor of Agde, who alone had power, but had done nothing about it during the last five years in which approaches had been made to him. The problem was not swinging but exhibitionism. Some came from Sète rather than from Cap d'Agde. 70% of visitors came from abroad, and it was good business to keep them there. There were not separate naturist and exhibitionist areas. It was suggested that each federation be asked to write to the Mayor of Agde to ask him to take action.
5. France proposed that INF be committee to taking action against authors of periodicals which violate the law by encouraging sexual exhibitionism on naturist beaches. In discussion it was questioned whether legal action was possible. Naturism was not a term that could be registered. We should not attack such magazines, but rather say what is right.
Vice-President George Volak was not seeking re-election and the only candidate was Mick Ayers. He had for twelve years been a member of the Central Committee was responsibility for public relations in Europe. As Vice-President he would be responsible for office and administration. He had worked for central government for 14 years, then for twenty years for his trade union. He had posts in his own federation for 27 years, the last ten years as Chairman. He would look for changes. An accurate translation of the statutes was needed. There could be improvements in making Congress more effective. More contact with federations was needed, as was being better known via the federations to the public. Past rifts must be healed. Processes needed to be more speedy. There was need to be more diplomatic. There being no other candidate Mick Ayers was elected by acclamation. When there was insistence for a vote, he was elected nem. con.
Vice-President George Volak was not seeking re-election and the only candidate was Mick Ayers. He had for twelve years been a member of the Central Committee was responsibility for public relations in Europe. As Vice-President he would be responsible for office and administration. He had worked for central government for 14 years, then for twenty years for his trade union. He had posts in his own federation for 27 years, the last ten years as Chairman. He would look for changes. An accurate translation of the statutes was needed. There could be improvements in making Congress more effective. More contact with federations was needed, as was being better known via the federations to the public. Past rifts must be healed. Processes needed to be more speedy. There was need to be more diplomatic. There being no other candidate Mick Ayers was elected by acclamation. When there was insistence for a vote, he was elected nem. con.
Vice-President/Treasurer Cor van Herp had resigned. The only candidate was Rolf-Beat Hostettler, aged 64, of Switzerland. He could not be present. Switzerland reported that he had worked as accountant/auditor in a middle-sized company. He could bring in ideas. His nomination had necessarily been recent and he was on a pre-booked family holiday. He had been an accountant or financial adviser, as well as a naturist, for forty years, and was Treasurer of Helios Club. There being no other candidate Rolf-Beat Hostettler was elected by 195 votes to nil, with 31 abstentions.
Public Relations Europe This was the post Mick Ayers had just vacated. No nomination had been received, but Roger Viola was now nominated. He had been President of a club in NE France for ten years, was married with two big boys. He spoke French, Luxembourgish and German, but not English. He would continue to work with sport. There was no other candidate and he was elected by 207 votes to nil with 19 abstentions.
President of the Legal Commission René Nijhof was not seeking re-election. The only candidate was Christoph Thomann, who was not present. Germany explained that he been told that he did not need to attend. Nothing had happened in the last two years and his application was still valid. He worked for a large financial group in Freiburg. George Volak added that Christoph had represented INF in a lawsuit at Bonn as Vice-President of the Legal Commission, when his ignorance of German law and failure to give 30 days notice had cost the INF thousands of Euro. He had wanted to be paid to attend Congress. On being put to the vote the election of Christoph Thomann was rejected by 128 cotes to 98. He therefore remained Vice-President and the position of President of the Legal Commission was now vacant.
Auditors Armand Ceolin had been nominated for re-election. Dominique Dufour was now nominated for the second post. He was an accountant for sixty commercial companies and Treasurer of FFN. They were elected by 212 votes to six, with 14 abstentions.
Member for the Development Fund Adolfo Sanz of Spain had been nominated for re-election. He was not present. He had been doing the job for two years. He was elected by 216 votes to 60 with six abstentions.
Next Congress
This would be at Koversada in Croatia in 2012 [previously there in 1972]. Proposals for a venue in 2014 would be welcome. Paul Lambrechts (Belgium) hoped that the INF would adopt a new system to allow small countries to host the Congress. Barbara Hadley (USA) pointed out that South America had come a long way. Chile, Argentina and Mexico were developing.
This would be at Koversada in Croatia in 2012 [previously there in 1972]. Proposals for a venue in 2014 would be welcome. Paul Lambrechts (Belgium) hoped that the INF would adopt a new system to allow small countries to host the Congress. Barbara Hadley (USA) pointed out that South America had come a long way. Chile, Argentina and Mexico were developing.
Dean Hadley (USA) recalled that AANR had been in INF from the beginning. This was his sixth Congress. There were always queries about the cost. He hoped for progress, but often there was none. The INF was too concerned with European business, including personal attacks, resignations etc. - it was not pretty. His board of directors had voted not to continue with affiliation. He had been sent to observe whether work was continuing, but there was not enough of general importance. The organisation was concerned with the interests of Europe. The AANR would not continue its membership. Over the last year the INF had provided helpful information and AANR had provided helpful information to others. This was not isolationism. He did not believe money was spent usefully. Barbara and he would continue as INF members. He wished INF the best for the future. Other countries expressed general regret at this decision, which they felt bound to respect.
Dean Hadley (USA) recalled that AANR had been in INF from the beginning. This was his sixth Congress. There were always queries about the cost. He hoped for progress, but often there was none. The INF was too concerned with European business, including personal attacks, resignations etc. - it was not pretty. His board of directors had voted not to continue with affiliation. He had been sent to observe whether work was continuing, but there was not enough of general importance. The organisation was concerned with the interests of Europe. The AANR would not continue its membership. Over the last year the INF had provided helpful information and AANR had provided helpful information to others. This was not isolationism. He did not believe money was spent usefully. Barbara and he would continue as INF members. He wished INF the best for the future. Other countries expressed general regret at this decision, which they felt bound to respect.
George and Nancy Volak were thanked for organising the Congress. Sweden hoped for good weather at the next Interfederal meeting in Sweden. Croatia invited all to the next Congress. There were thanks for excellent cooperation in the last few days and thanks to Gianfranco Ribolzi and his team. It was sad to say goodbye to George and Nancy Volak and to René Nijhof.
George and Nancy Volak were thanked for organising the Congress. Sweden hoped for good weather at the next Interfederal meeting in Sweden. Croatia invited all to the next Congress. There were thanks for excellent cooperation in the last few days and thanks to Gianfranco Ribolzi and his team. It was sad to say goodbye to George and Nancy Volak and to René Nijhof.
Michael Farrar
Chairman, British Naturism
Federations not represented: Argentina, Denmark, Finland, Israel, Poland, Slovakia, and South Africa.
A congratulatory message was e-mailed to the General Assembly but not delivered in time.
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